I’ve thought before
On a Christmas morn,
When I wake and think of the hay in the barn,
And smell the moisture in the air
Of clouds nestling down,
Putting a foggy dew
On the ground, that is resting from
A summer’s long work
Of pushing up leaves
And pulling down roots,
And producing the fruit on the trees,
Like pecans and peaches,
And the legumes we just dug
After the frost, like the peanuts I smell
Roasting in the oven in their shells,
Already, this morning, for breakfast,
How lucky I am
To be a part
Of the heart of god,
Like you are,
Here on the farm,
Where we can see
So much of the world
Unfolding so naturally,
So beautifully designed.
I wouldn’t trade this time with you
For anything.
I wouldn’t even trade this dream
Of Christmas morning
For all the toys in Santa’s bag,
Or all the money in First National Bank,
Or all the plastic fame in California,
OR all the tea in China.
I love this treasure I hold in my mind,
The blessings I find when I go there,
The Everyday Overflow of Joy I find,
Knowing this great kingdom of god
Is growing inside me,
Like the beautiful brown peanut fields of Christmastime
That lie waiting fallow for the winter wheat,
That was sown in cold autumn, and waits to sprout
Green leaves of hope in winter,
And yield its first fruits late spring.
I wouldn’t trade my love for you
For anything,
The bright light of your heart and eyes,
The smile on your face,
The love I see moving you
From place to place
Planting seeds of grace throughout each day.
You are very lovely.
Merry Christmas