Wednesday, May 23, 2018

We were walking together and my arms swing naturally
Out in concert and opposite to each leg,
And my walking partner started pushing my one arm back,
And it felt so awkward and strange.
"Stop it,"I said.  "That feels so weird.
It's unnatural to my gait."
"What do you mean?" he asked,
And I explained.
"Oh, ok then," he exclaimed,
And started pushing my arm the way it wanted to go.
"That feels almost just as bad,"I said.
"It still feels pushy!"

It made me think of some people I know
Whose motto just may be:
"If you can't tell others what to do,
Find out what they're going to do,
And tell em to do that."


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

We all realize at once what we did not know,
Just as all our diversity is caught up in the whirlwind,
And then we start over once again,
And re-make every stupid human mistake.
Finally, our children's children slowly start to see,
And they ask how we could've believed in witches,
While they apply leeches medically,
And history repeats itself.

Cats move in a certain synchronicity.
Yours comes to lie beside you on your pillow,
And mine comes to lie beside me.
They purr in stereophonic felicity.

The happy buzz aligns my brain
To cosmic righteousness.
A light inside is dancing to
A joyful refrain of sleep and dreams.

And Peace resigns,
And something even better takes the helm.
My sails have caught a sturdy wind.
They are full, and my ship is moving
In the right direction,
Once again.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

All the cats are skittish today
Because the air hangs foul.
Thunder boomed out in the night.
Wolves could not go prowl.
And so today they're ravenous.
They can't wait for the night.
I've heard five howls bellow out,
And there's still two hours of daylight.

So best beware and watch the cats.
They know when they can play.
They also know when hungry wolves
Haven't eaten for a day.


Friday, May 4, 2018

I see how people are here in the Bible belt.
I've seen the Christian breakfast club at chick fil A.
Each time someone leaves, the persimmon faces emerge on the remnant.
They whisper their condemnations behind the backs
Of whomever has just most recently left.
That's why the rest of them stay so long.
No one wants to be talked about next.

What pseudo zealots and fakehearts!
They would do well to cut out their hearts
And receive pig heart transplants!

Then at least they could oink at one another sincerely,
Face to face!


Lucky Richard.
He was born this day,
A beautiful spring afternoon in May
When the sun is free to be its perfect way
Of shiny, happy, not to hot,
A blissful glee for the get-me-nots,
And the forget-about-me's.
The trees are green,
And all that stuff, you know what I mean,
And Lucky Richard,
Born this day in May.
Oh, and did I mention,
He passed away last year?


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

There is cause and effect.
But if all you can see is that one domino
That knocked your little ole domino down,
You may miss the point of the bigger picture.

That imp with the evil smile,
That may or may not have set
All the dominoes up in the first place,
He may or may not have knocked the first one down, too.

Sometimes I wonder if we weren't better off
Not knowing the effects that some activities cause.
I'm thinking this as the evil imp comes grinning at me and grunting gleefully,
"Let's go make a Baby!"

Knowledge can really take the fun out of some things.
