Thursday, June 30, 2022

 Dream Lover

You’re a brilliant person.

You’re an alluring flame.

It is the same draw for a moth

That seeks the light

As that which seeks to whet the appetite for love,

For death,

For something more than now.

Yet now it is that I forget

About the dull draw of afterlife,

Seeking only



You are light that’s breathable,

Lovely air,

Rare, like that of Colorado.

I gasp at the delicate rarity.

I’ve met you somewhere, haven’t I?

But where?

Oh yes, I remember, now.

It was only in a dream.


 Lady Blue’s World 

This is lady Blue‘s world

Is it too much for you

Nothing is happening but Lady Blue 

Buzzing around you

Does it annoy you 

Are you afraid 

The bee may sting

But birds are singing sweetly

Flowers awake

The first light of morning 

Graciously takes a deep breath 

To run and jump off into a day

Where nothing is happening 

But Lady Blue

Making a big mountain 

Out of a molehill

Will that be too much for you?


 Let’s embrace the slow life

Start the day

On a getaway in our minds

A garden 

A pond 

An air palace

A deep wood of aspen trees

Just tell me

Where we went together 

So I can offer the police

The proper alibi

Because as good as this feels 

It has to be against the law

My Love

Must it be a crime

To hold you in my heart for ransom

The way I’m holding yours

A robbery of arms and legs 

And all things time

The way I’m holding you

In my mind


Monday, June 27, 2022

 In this room,

Whose walls are pale

And limestone blue,

One window opens to the south east,

And there I stand and wait for the sun

To come shine in.

It’s not til noon,

Or the very least eleven til

The sun, who rose early in the east,

Finds its way around the southern sky

To peek into my life

And finally say hi

In the morning.

So the sun and I have brunch.

He has coffee,

And I have tea.

And with the sunshine in my eye,

I see so clearly now

That I must smile

As I bathe in the yellow light

Cascading in 

To my southeastern window.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

 What I’m Seeking

What I am seeking is seeking me

In a grand game of hide snd seek,

And tho I don’t intend to hide,

I get sidetracked 

And wind up


Far off in some expedient ditch.

But even then,

I see some sign,

Some omen, like a butterfly,

And I know, that even stuck here,

As I am,

I’m at the right place,

At the right time,

Because I’m happy,

Because I’m free,

Because what I’m seeking is seeking me.

And it really is all good,

And even more so, it will be,

When we find one another.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

 When I want to align myself with the universe,

And allow my vibration to rise

To the skies of blue,

And become one with the white hot plasma

And traverse the blinking stars,

I get myself fully vested,

And submerse myself 

In the smoke and mirror business.

I make snake oil and sell it,

And shark repellent in an aerosol can,

And find ways to spam myself

Against the world of high class business 

Like that found on Wall Street.

Then I feel in tune with the visions

Of stark reality

Provided by the light of day,

And the stumbling blindset,

The mindset of night.


 Big patches of sky blue

Behind the sunlit clouds,

And then a few sparse drops of rain fell,

While the west wind blew.

I stood with the sun 

And the rain on my face

And said, “This is a Holy Place,

Where sun and rain come together as One.”

And there was no rainbow in the skies,

But only the knowledge that dropped 

And splashed in the bottom of my heart,

And so I asked the cosmos for its grace,

And the very next day, my Love,

I encountered you.


 If I recognize your secret identity,

Your ultra cosmic divinity,

If I stare at you

And you feel as if I’m seeing through your mask,

You may check your crotch

To make sure your tights

Are covering all your private parts,

And touch your pocket to ensure

That kryptonite you carry 

To ward off Superman 

Is still there,

But I feel as if I’d better ask,

In this strange fairy tale,

If I kiss you,

Will it turn you into a frog?


 You caught me singing in the shower.

While the water made me clean,

I was exfoliating secrets.

I didn’t know that you were out there 

Listening to me,

Babeeeee !

I was just singing in the shower, Baby!

You caught me singing in the shower.

My love song 

Too much for us to bare,

I was exfoliating secrets Baby.

Why are you staring at me?


Just singing in the shower, Baby.


Come sing with me.


Just singing in the shower, Lover,

Waiting for your love

To come.

Come, wash over me.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

 My body rings

From pictures of love

That you have drawn on me

And like a bell

The town thinks that it knows so well

And yet tonight 

A different tone

A different tune

It’s June 

And magnolia blooms

And love is in the air


Saturday, June 4, 2022

 I see you everywhere.

Maybe you’re just on my mind. 

I see you standing over there,

Carrying your groceries from your car to your porch

Trying to carry them all at once.

It seems I see you everywhere. 

Maybe you’re just on my mind.

I see you walking with a dog,

A faraway stare on your long face.

I wish I could come over there

And talk to you.

I see you everywhere.

Maybe you’re just on my mind.

What are you doing in my dream?

Do you have time to stay?

Come play with me in the garden of love?

We don’t know one another, you say.

I see you everywhere.

Maybe you’re just on my mind.


Friday, June 3, 2022

 I had such lovely dreams last night

I was outside in a place where the sun was shining so beautifully yellow
And little wildflowers of ever color grew
And I was picking blueberries 
And you were with me
Picking them too
And we were talking
It was a place of heavenly bliss 
And maybe that is how it is
Wherever *we* are...


Thursday, June 2, 2022

 I don’t speak the language of love too well.

I’ve never lived in that strange land.

I took a class at college once

And learned how to order myself a hotel room

With a bath or shower

As I prefer.

I can order a potato,

Fully cooked.

But what do I know about Love?

I can tell you hello.

I can ask how you’re doing.

But when you tell me,

I won’t know what you’re saying.

So if, after you’ve told me some heartfelt things,

And I stare as if I’ve been unmoved,

It’s not that that I don’t want to understand,

I do,

But if I reply by asking you for a potato,

Fully cooked,

Please don’t hold it against me, Love,

That I am not fluent,

I am not versed

In the language of love.
