Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 It wouldn’t do me any good 

To carry money around.

I’d only give it to the bums that stay

On 22nd and Grand by Trosper Park.

I see the winter landscape by the pond.

Over toward the water’s edge,

Ice is starting to form.

Some of the cattail grass is turning brown,

And some is not,

But nothing here is richer,

Nothing poorer.


 Something broke me down.

The world crashed in

Through the broken lens

Of my Kaleidoscope.

Tears damned up for years fell through

In sorrow and in rapture.

The blues and scarlet-crimson hues,

The violet, ultra-ohhhhh so,

The vermillion-pinks, don’t you know!

The yellows, that rained,

Like broken stained glass window panes,

The pangs of love and joy I knew,

When, just last night, beneath the waning moon,

I heard him call me “Baby.”


 How these aloe infused socks

Came to be made in China went as this:

The socks were made and then infused as such,

In that their mothers’ feet were oiled

And the socks put on their feet,

And thus, they sat or walked about 

Or slept or stood with these socks on

And oiled, but good, until the socks were steeped

In the four postures of the zen mothers. 

And then the socks were brightened, like teeth,

And packaged and sent around the world,

Bought and sold, and worn by you and me.

And while some will not agree that this is good,

And don’t want to be sold pre-worn socks

Of any kind, may I remind you

Of the mother principle,

Which lasts a very long time?

And might I say one thing more,

How great it is for mothers with sore feet

To have them rubbed and oiled every couple of weeks

And get paid for it?


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

 They’ve put me in a dungeon

And demanded that I spin gold out of straw.

Someone told them that I could.

But I don’t know how.

I love windows,

And there are none in here.

But slowly I begin to twist,

To make a mountain out of my molehill.

My soul protracts images from the walls of my prison cell,

The stories that the shadows tell,

The characters, their roles.

I pull the rays of an unseen sun into my heart.

I’m happy here.

And now the straw emits a light

So attractive.

It drags my love right into its core,

And as I stand, and turn, and dance,

And pull it so gently,

Somehow I see, I’m drawing out its gold.


 He likes being held 

Like a hostage

And on snowy Christmas Day.

He likes the notion

Deep in his mind, that

Maybe he can’t get away

This time.

Maybe the spirit of something past has him.

Maybe, without a care,

Or a chamber pot to piss in,

He has something NOW after all,

This something that has him.

So Merry Christmas, Lover.

Your promises are vain.

But I’ve told you

I have something for you.

So hold me to it,

For that’s not a promise, 

But only a threat,

Like clouds without rain

Or smoke without fire.

Your gun’s for hire,

But I only kill for fun,

And only ever on Christmas Day.

So which of us is better or worse?

Who can say?

And which of us

Will make the naughty list,

If it were written, today?

Who, the nice?


 A songbird calls happily out to me,

“I see you! I see you! I see you!”

The bird did something I couldn’t do.

It found me in my natural state,

Un-pretensed out in my orchard,

And now I must go and find that bird,

To find out what it heard me saying,

Heard me praying for.

My mind wanders after it.

The morning is cool,

But no wind blows.

So many various birds I hear,

Their coos and chirps and melodious calls.

Somewhere out there, quietly, 

One warbler hides,

Or maybe he is in plain sight,

But has changed his tune

To disguise himself?

I wander on in search of it

Through the mysterious trees.

Lulled by the peaceful, charming ways,

Life draws me along,

Page after page,

Through this daydream.


 I love it when people tell me

About writing poems.

My  eyes roll up in the back 

Of the sky.

I hold Van Gogh’s lost ear

To mine,

And I hear stars.

A great night fog appears from nowhere,

And I go blind and deaf and mute,

And I hate it when people tell me 

About writing poems.


 In the great book of inside jokes,

Someone pressed me like a flower.

My colors have bled into 42 pages

And I have dehumectified.

I saunter now from pen to pen

To clean the animals’ cages at the zoo.

The big cats, with their sticky poo,

Prickle my nose with ammonia.

My mind has become as the dung of gazelle,

A dry turd that doesn’t attach to anything,

An odorless, tasteless void to carry ideas

And drop them unchanged along the way.

I created all the authorities that ever lived  in my head,

And I pretended to obey them.

Like a hypocrite,

I give validity to my lower self.

But when I drop all of that,

I see my lower self is just a phony, too.

There is no zookeeper following me.

There’s only one me here.

I empty myself of everything else 

And here I stand true,

Purely coded,

Like a fertilized egg,

Attached only to the great womb 

Of the cosmos

And growing.


Waiting to be born again,

As I go from pen to pen

Cleaning the animals’ cages.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

 He’s worked and deserves this really big raise.

A step up the ladder, and now he has

A really big Yang, but then again,

He’s in line to receive a really big Yin,

He just doesn’t know it.

Show it to me, the bowling trophy

You won on Halloween, 

The big blue ribbon you got

For your biscuits at the county fair.

They go so well with my pumpkin pie.

My kidney pie is to die for, too,

And if you stare into my eyes,

You’ll see beyond the limits,

The really big Yang I hide inside,

And the really big Yin that resides 

There with it.


 The anti-cat takes a string 

That’s stretched out ‘cross the floor

And rolls it back into a tidy ball of yarn.

She un-charms birds with her mouth full,

Drops bits of kibble on the mat.

The anti-cat is in full swing.

The anti-cat walks like a dog,

Smells like a dog and quacks like one.

She sleeps like a log as she suns her belly, 

Purring cynically.

Ant-cat goes away,

But future-fakes with the best of them.

She dangles the carrot of wonderful 

Times to come,

Instead of just cuddling up with me now

While I’m young(ish).

The anti-cat promises to return

On the clouds like Jesus,

But I know she never will.

She never will come home.

I bring in the unwelcome mat,

And shake its dirt out on my kitchen floor.

I won’t think about the anti-cat,

Anymore, today.

But hey, that gives me 

Much more time

To un-wonder about you.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

 The second crime I ever committed 

Was convincing the other cheerleaders 

To moon the referee.

I thought he would want to see,

But he did not.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual attention.

But how do you know unless you try?

And herein lies the double bind:

For any first attempt is still

As “any” as “any” overkill you’d ever do,

And so it’s better if they come to you,

And then their attempt can be construed

As wanted or unwanted.

So, you’ve heard about my second crime.

Do you have time to hear about my third one?


 I found a little niche in the city

A side street where nobody goes

Where the smell of vegetables 

Roasting on charcoal 

Rises me up 

I go there

But only if it’s snowing 

Or I’ve forgotten 

Who I was

The Christmas lights are blinking

And one lonely bell

Rings to see if anyone can spare some change 

Rise up 

My bells have sung for the needy

But now I seek charity

Only loveless love

And loveless lovers find me

Rise up

But tonight while snowflakes fall

The stars shimmer

They seem frozen as if time stands still

I allow myself a space 

To understand Winter

The love I seek is possible now

Rise up

Rise up oh sun

Forget about your sleeping 

Awake in me the springtime of my love

Catch my breath as winter bells are ringing

Bring me peace

For my hearts on the run

And longs to run to you

Rise up


 The wind is cursing a gale this morning,

Accosting my ears with his whuffs and gusts,

Calling it every name in the book, 

His job.

“But the world must keep on turning!”

He mocks. “What if it didn’t? Huh?”

I pull my hat down low, over my ears,

So I don’t have to hear it so well.

I muffle the swells of the senseless rage he’s blowing.

Why does he seem so mad at me?

I’ve been coming and going for centuries 

Without a word, a job to do, too,

Dropping these shells and sand dollars 

Out of the blue for lonely tourists to find

As they walk alone on the beach.

Maybes he’d like to trade places some day,

And I will blow, and he can swell, and wave

And drop low tide for awhile,

And see how he likes that?


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 In the time it takes to fly

From London to France,

I stroll around my village, here.

I’m not getting anywhere in my wanderings,

But zero displacement carries me

Back to some tea that’s been 

Steeping, all this time.

It’s strong, lukewarm,

Just like I want it to be.

It has no qualms to share,

No excuses to offer,

And none are necessary.

I find no shortcomings in it,

Nor it in me.

Now that’s what I call good company.


 They wanted to poke fun at the young girl’s lisp,

But it wasn’t there anymore.

By the time they could point

And laugh, it was gone.

The zit on the boy’s face

The day before,

Now his beard is groomed,

His muscles bulge.

Where is your misplaced scorn for me?

I, who change like mercury,

Like a fire burning blue

And white, vermilion, red.

Every fault and every worthy attribute 

Can be found in me,

As I live and breathe.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 I’m alone in the moonlight,

In a place where the city lights failed.

Tonight they would pale in comparison anyway,

In the fullness of the moon and that one star.

I pledge myself to be complete,

Just as I am without one plea.

We’ll see where that gets me,

For now I’m wise enough to know 

That even the Moon goes away.

It wanes,

But it always comes back.

It waxes full,

And fills my heart with love.

Maybe that is enough.

Maybe that is really all

I’ll ever need.


 My cousin cooked fried bologney and coleslaw for me.

I was five.

My Mother had left food ready for us to eat,

But my cousin, eight years my senior,

Who’d been left to babysit me,

Decided to cook something.

I watched her, all of thirteen,

Lighting the stove burner,

And taking a sharp knife

Out of the silverware drawer,

And using it deftly to cut up the meat

And the cabbage.

She had brought a big bag of dresses for me

That didn’t fit her anymore.

I tried on every one of them

Right there in the kitchen,

While she told me a lot of important things

That I was too young to remember. 

I’m too old to remember them now,

But I will never forget, how

After our supper,

She pulled a big stack of books

Down off of a shelf

And read me stories, 

About witches and elves, 

And houses made of candy.

She taught me to read 

Before I ever went to school.

And I don’t know if she ever got paid

Any wages for seeing me through

The dark nights when my parents

Had better things to do

Than stay home,

But I certainly hope

Lovely cousins like her 

Receive a double, or triple reward 

For being bright lights

In a little child’s world, like mine was.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

 Butterfly effect!

Help me! Help me!

Help me draw my coveted neighbor

Next to me!

Flap incessantly for just half a minute

About the flowers growing in

The volcanic soil near the pacific rim.

May the winds stirred by your breeze

Flourish up warm into the cold air

And create a cyclone

In a nightmare of weather. 

Let the power outage be

Sufficient for me

To reach him, true,

While the internet is down,

And build a fire between our grounds

And share the warmth

Of human company.

May “Love Thy Neighbor”

Be more than an epitaph 

For you and me,

And we can say 

It’s all because a butterfly flew

Somewhere over Hawaii.


 I consider you an art form

I dabble in you

As in pastels

I hang you in my

Own personal gallery at the Louvre  

I’m never happy with my work

Just gleeful

I paint the wry smile on your face

And clean my brushes half-heartedly 

Wishing I were better at this

But I’d like to excel

At something 

With you 


Friday, December 4, 2020

 “Can you order this book for me?”

I ask the man at the public library.

It’s the only request 

I ever have for him.

One at a time, 

Books arrive 

From exotic towns like Urbana-Champagne, Illinois.

I don’t know why they never seem to have

The book I want, here, resting on

A convenient shelf, in this,

My hometown library.

But I always bring them back,

Without the need of a fine,

And each good book inspires another,

So I return, with a clever grin,

And a request, 

“Can you order this book for me?”

I ask him sweetly,

And he never turns me down.

Last night I dreamed

He turned to speak to me,

But I awoke before he finished 

What he wanted to say.

It started out, “If you promise...”

But faded with either, ...”never

To read them to me,”

Or “...ever to be near me.”

Either way, I’ve just finished the latest book,

And have my little satchel packed

To go and see him today.

And I will smile, and ask him extra kindly,

Extra sweetly, if he can order

Another book for me.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 I read the stars at night.

Are they more rational than tea leaves?

I used to have questions

And wishes.

I used to have so many things to say.

The stars would never interrupt me,

But I never seem to want

To tell them anything.

My horoscope said not to admire 

Anyone who was not happy.

So I look up to the stars,

And sightread their happy melodies.


 They say a lucky sign today

Is to hear a bell ring,

Or to see white clouds

In a sky of blue.

I can walk a certain route,

Where I know a wind chime hangs

Out close to the walk, 

And I can hit it with a stick 

And make it sing good luck for me,

But why can’t I 

Do anything about the sky?
