Wednesday, December 23, 2020

 The anti-cat takes a string 

That’s stretched out ‘cross the floor

And rolls it back into a tidy ball of yarn.

She un-charms birds with her mouth full,

Drops bits of kibble on the mat.

The anti-cat is in full swing.

The anti-cat walks like a dog,

Smells like a dog and quacks like one.

She sleeps like a log as she suns her belly, 

Purring cynically.

Ant-cat goes away,

But future-fakes with the best of them.

She dangles the carrot of wonderful 

Times to come,

Instead of just cuddling up with me now

While I’m young(ish).

The anti-cat promises to return

On the clouds like Jesus,

But I know she never will.

She never will come home.

I bring in the unwelcome mat,

And shake its dirt out on my kitchen floor.

I won’t think about the anti-cat,

Anymore, today.

But hey, that gives me 

Much more time

To un-wonder about you.


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