Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 How these aloe infused socks

Came to be made in China went as this:

The socks were made and then infused as such,

In that their mothers’ feet were oiled

And the socks put on their feet,

And thus, they sat or walked about 

Or slept or stood with these socks on

And oiled, but good, until the socks were steeped

In the four postures of the zen mothers. 

And then the socks were brightened, like teeth,

And packaged and sent around the world,

Bought and sold, and worn by you and me.

And while some will not agree that this is good,

And don’t want to be sold pre-worn socks

Of any kind, may I remind you

Of the mother principle,

Which lasts a very long time?

And might I say one thing more,

How great it is for mothers with sore feet

To have them rubbed and oiled every couple of weeks

And get paid for it?


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