Tuesday, May 2, 2023


I had a lovely day.

Lovelier still, 

Because I have felt your beating heart

Beneath the words you’ve quilled to me.

There is love breathing between the lines.

There is something true that shines

As a reality we share,

If even only in this parallel universe we care about,

Known as Poem.

And so we meet,

In that rare air,

And speak the proper, common tongue,

As Latin, once, the universal language,

Of Law and Letters, and Science was.

Here, our hearts, yearning to be understood,

Speak so sweet.

We meet at the gate,

Stand between the lines of  the demilitarized zone,

At the heart,  the universal parallel,

And whisper our love,

Where the language of Poetry and Poem meet to say,

“I hope you had a lovely day.”


-Lady Blue

 Love Never Fails, But A Smartphone Will

My cell phone doesn’t like you.

It auto corrects the sweet things I try to tell you

To something off, or disgusting,

Or something strange that will make you question me.

I try to tell you that “I can,”

And my phone changes it to “Ivan,”

And then you suspiciously ask me

Who the hell Ivan is.

Or I want to say “I’m feeling rock bottom,”

And my smartphone changes “rock” to “Rick,”

And you tell me you’re sick of hearing 

About my old boyfriends and

You certainly don’t want me touching their derriΓ¨res.

I apologize and get it all smoothed over,

And you say you love me,

And I try to say I love you too, and

I want to refer to you as “Lover,”

But my phone says, “I love liver, too.”

I don’t know why,

But my cell phone 

Doesn’t like you.

I try to say that you are “cosmic,”

But as I hit send,

I see my cell phone has somehow changed “cosmic”

To “cute and amicable.”

And once again,

Love has failed,

And has been foiled

By a mere smartphone.
