Friday, July 12, 2013

Did We?

Did we ever go to Mexico
And lie on the pebbled sand?
Didn't we dream of a silver screen
As we slept by the clefted lands?
Or have we never left this red clay bottom
Where we sack cotton
And wish for a better day?

Maybe he was only  lookin
For his lonely cookin mama
To stand bare breasted long enough
To feed his hungry hand.
Or maybe I was finally ready
For a long shore shovelin daddy
To meet my need
And see me as I am.
Or maybe nothing’s as it seems,
And all of it was just a dream,
But either way,
I’m still walkin as on air.

-jenn long

Friday, July 5, 2013

Nature's Citation

Nature left me a parking citation—

A freshly dropped poplar leaf

Tucked neatly under my washer wiper

For all the world to see.

Embarrassed, I hurried to tuck it close

To my breast as I got in my car.

I closed the door and sat to see

What errors I had committed.


My entire life passed before my eyes

As I read the Coptic script—

Years of wasted resources,

Thousands of plastic wrappers,

Seminal emissions spewed on hard

And unworked fields,

And other crimes unlisted.


But at the cellular level, I viewed

A vibration of complete forgiveness,

The power of chemical neurotransmissions

That I could only comprehend as a Gnostic,

And the jury’s song beamed faithfully

Like a Hallelujah Chorus

As I smelled the greenness of its life

And pressed the leaf between the pages

Of My Book.

-jenn long

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Too many weirdos have rotted my smile,
Yellowed my disposition,
Stained my brain with illogical meanness,
Bated my breath with their worms.
No dentist can fill the cavities caused
By the consumption of icky sweet souls
That prove bitter in the digestion process
And make one so fat on their terms.

I’ve thought of changing my diet.
I had a vegetarian friend.
She tried to convert me,
But her needless proselytizing
And my constant dissatisfaction left me
Like a bottomless pit.
And one ravenous binge later,
She was gone, too.


-jenn long

Dance of the Populus

They're dancing all night,
Tonight in Rio—
The shimmy of cottonwood leaves,
The seductive jiggle,
The eye catching wiggle,
The shine the rivulet weaves.

They're dancing all night,
Tonight in Rio!
They'll dance tomorrow all day—
Shedding their cottons,
Their lofty worldview,
And replicating their own DNA.


-jenn long

Fibonacci Kernels

The vault of heaven is empty, tonight,
But for a corny husk
Of spiraling Fibonacci numbers
That span to the coming age.
Vacuous, they drizzle sparsely,
Continue out and on and on,
Unnoticed by all but physics,
And the kinship of empty eyes.


-jenn long

A Thousand Miles

I'm a thousand miles closer to the moon tonight,
A thousand miles out of your view.
One cactus flower shuts it's blooms for the day,
Another one just starts to bloom.
And the sun takes forever to set on this mountain.
I've watched it a thousand days,
And the moon hangs low
Waiting to go and see your lovely face.

And time will stop for us tonight.
It may start in the mornin’ anew,
And maybe the sun will still be settin’ in the morning
With long rays of corn silk blue.
Time will stop for us tonight.
Cosmic twist as we recover.
Anomaly in the desert,
Timeworn for star crossed lovers.

I was his garland of valley lily.
I was his beauty for ash,
His garment of praise
For the spirit of heaviness,
His exceeding great reward,
And he was my promise,
Ever ready and faithful,
True through my wrinkles,
In sickness and health,
For better and worse,
And silver threads amongst the gold.

 And time will stop for us tonight.
It may start in the mornin’ anew,
And maybe the sun will still be settin’ in the morning
With long rays of corn silk blue.
Time will stop for us tonight.
Cosmic twist as we recover.
Anomaly in the desert,
Timeworn for star-crossed lovers.


-jenn long

Rub A Dub Snub

They auctioned my bras today for charity.
They brought about 2.1 mil.
Then I didn't even have a spare to wear home,
So I went to The Spinning Wheel,
But I couldn't get any of the girls to wait on me.
The manager snubbed me, too.
So I'm done with bras.
And now I'm wondering
About auctioning off all of my shoes.


-jenn long