Tuesday, June 11, 2024


The beautiful music made me cry,

And the bystanders in the crowd

Assumed that I was a loon,

But who could ever be sane enough 

To hear the sounds of stars and moons

And under-appreciate the delicate ways

The harmonies play out continuously together. 

One star shines.

It’s in the back,

But something in its melody appeals to me from afar.

How I truly do,

I truly wonder what you are,

And what you’re all about.

And I wonder if when you see these tears,

You’ll see that it is you I’m crying for,

The sweet relief of grief released

By the beautiful music you bring,

Sweetly singing through the spheres.


Monday, June 10, 2024


When clouds are close,

And you feel that you could reach 

And take their faces in your hands,

And pinch their cheeks like the children so dear,

A niece, a nephew.

And you can almost hear the sighs,

The laughs, see the smile in the sky

Of loved ones who’ve gone on before you,

Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,

Their arms reaching down to hold you

In one more loving, kind embrace.

Always a reach,

To understand in the land of the living,

Always the nebulous, the misconstrued

Attempts to say how much someone means to you,

And just so, as with the clouds,

In betweenst the light, the whites, the grays,

The sunny days,

There is the mystical blue,

Soaking up every unsaid word,

Love unheard, and raining it down

In trueblue beauty all around us.
