Flight Attendants
In this world that hurtles through time,
Through space,
We see that we are headed someplace.
All of us,
Whether rich or poor,
Or what side of the oceans we may call home,
The shade of our skin,
The depravity of our religions,
We all have the self-same destination:
Wherever this Earth may take us!
What we do as we take our flight
Is our business.
If we grumble
And judge our fellow passengers,
If we complain that we have too much rain
Or not enough,
Find trivial things to entertain us,
It’s just because we’ve forgotten who we really are.
It’s because we fail to see
That we are in the company of greatness on this plane.
We don’t perceive
That we may never get the chance
To step into this same stream again.
But if there’s ever anyone who does
Rise above all the clamour and roar,
Who becomes aware of the oneness of all things
Where This Planet is concerned,
Then the glamour therein
Becomes a heart to serve his or her fellow travelers,
To humbly attend to the needs and comfort of others.
Stewards and Stewardesses
Of the Fruits of the Earth,
The plants, the animals, the human beings,
The spirits that hover in between
And the great mother, herself,
Who gave birth to us all,
Our homely earth,
Our great vessel that carries us on its back to our great destiny,
Calls us to care, but not carelessly,
But to a service that stems from humility, acceptance, and correctness.
We are all called,
But not many will choose
To love and adore
During this brief span,
This cosmic journey
So out of our control
Across the skies.
Yay, verily,
Not many will choose
To be this type of flight attendants.