Thursday, November 28, 2024

 I used to have a black velvet dress

And some sheer black panty hose I would wear

On special occasions 

I had some sultry seductive cologne

I dabbed beneath my collar bone

And at the nape of my neck

Yes I tried to be fancy once or twice

But I’m too nice for that they say

I had some black patent high heels 

But the only squeals they got were from me

Breaking my ankle 

And hobbling down the street in them

The story of Cinderella spoke to me

Because at the strike of twelve midnight 

All of my innuendoes would dissolve like mirage

And only my rainwater would remain 

It was the only thing about me that was real

In a land where illusion and delusion both

Will come to trick you out of your birthright

But I just wanted to be beautiful 

And true

And I wanted to love every human heart I came  in contact to

And so…. Yes ….

I tried to be fancy once or twice

But I’m too nice for that they say

And so I will choose now to stay plain and simple

My modest apparel, my aroma of sweat and blood and tears and rainwater 

Because I’ve learned that my true purpose is to love you

And I can’t escape it

My only choice is: 

Whether to do it

Consciously or unconsciously 

So now you see it’s not that I’m too nice

It’s a mischievous kind of naughty

That can let go of the haughty fads of the times

And appeal to you in the raw sexuality 

Of the everyday broad daylight


Thursday, November 14, 2024

 Sometimes when I exhale 

I get a fleeting glimpse of

A fleeting aspiration 

That I used to know I had

Now I’m really not so sure

Of what I think I thought

Or what caught me by surprise enough 

To jar my instincts out

But sometimes when I exhale

I catch sight of me

In the rear view mirror

Sitting in the back seat


Sometimes the only stars I see are planes up in 

the sky 

But I

I never even wonder why they’re there

And they don’t make me want to go so far away

I’m where I need to be and better yet

I’m where I want to be

Right here on the ground with you

In the back seat

Glancing at the rear view mirror 

Seeing myself there and up ahead

And right here in the here and now



Wednesday, November 6, 2024

 Return of the Snake

It was a known fact in Ancient Rome,

About the gardens long before, in Ancient Greece,

In the primal orchards, where the golden apples were grown,

That there were serpents that guarded the trees,

And there were women who went there to feed them.

And is this where all the trouble came from?

Another ancient culture with an Adam, an Eve,

A tree in a garden, and a snake,

And a story of how the perspective of duality was born,

How the woman came to be equipped to see the difference between 

Good and Evil?

But what was the knowledge that existed before then?

Was it an innocent, undifferentiating intelligence?

Was this the truth behind the fall of man,

That recognizing the differences would bring eternal bondage?

And if so what could bring the liberty we now seek?

What will bring a cease fire to the war we feel inside,

As the never ending quest, the pursuit of happiness,

As if it is only that or sadness we have to choose from?

What will it mean, what will it take 

To regain that peace? Could it simply be

The return to knowing undifferentiatedly?

To forget the labels, the divisions, the partial segmented intellect,

And return to the primal garden of our mind to where 

The golden apples grow,

Embody the existence of the sages who know 

That the trees, the apples, the women, the men, the snakes,

Are all parts of one great unity,

That we never walk alone, 

That we are not the prodigals, as we love to claim to be,

But more like the older siblings of the prodigal son,

And therefore, accordingly, all things are already ours,

That all things are already a harmoniously One, Oneness,

All the time, and all we have to do is 

Drop all of our nonsense and identify with it?


(…dropping the nonsense would be the most difficult part… 😂)

 If you look beyond the veil

Of these people who live in constant strife

There is another form of life at war either one another 

These angelic beings or trans dimensionals, 

Whatever name you wish to assign

Malign and thrive on chaos too

They strive constantly in a great energetic disbursement akin

To canceling each others’ votes out

Over and over again 

World without end for them

But beyond that sphere

An adventure in peace awaits

Where lions and lambs truly grace 

The gate of heaven 

Fait Accompli 

For you for me

And it’s available now

For anyone who wishes to quit the resistance 

Follow the Tao

And study war no more


 Iuventus Gratia Iuventutis

If you don’t like the world, you see,

Get down on your hands and knees.

There is a subculture just beneath,

And it is more real than you can see with your naked eyes. 

It’s a little closer to the root.

It’s complex and complicated.

It will blow your outdated theories and ideas into the ethernet.

Look at the butterflies’ wings under a microscope.

A whole life of mites is groping and mating, 

Migrating on the wing, itself,

As the butterfly takes flight.

You might want to take a step back and breathe,

Take a drink of your coffee,

And think,

Before you say this younger generation 

Doesn’t understand where you came from.

They do.

But do you know where they are going?
