Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Today it took me twice as far
To reach that point where I said, "Pheeeeeeeeeew."
It took a mile and a half today,
And tomorrow it might take three,
But I'll do it whatever it takes
To get to that point
Where my water runs clean and pure
And my mind is free.

I live to reach this place where the emptiness tips out
And I become one with myself.
I see what matters.
Here is where what's real tips in
And fills my bucket with everything good,
And I'm happy.

This is the point where the wallflower me
Hears the irresistible rhythms
And dances right out of her shell
And moves into life with meaning and purpose
And beauty and love.

It's all right now, baby.
It's all right now.

And when this song is over,
I will continue to move through.
I'll go right out the back door of the gym,
And, unchaperoned, I will find the night.
And under the stars, to the beat of my own drum
And the music of the heavens,
I will dance eternally.


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