Sunday, December 18, 2016

I reside in a stone home
From whence I never leave or roam,
But once a year, the sun comes in
And brings to light my bones.

The winter solstice shines with pangs,
Exhibit A that Newgrange
Is where I'm bound to be.
Oh, even belief can't set me free
To range and go beyond the galaxy,
Much less Knowth and Dowth.

But once the gods did disappear.
On the day with the longest night of the year,
The light of that sunrise brought great fear
And trembling as they went away.

Geese fly south,
Spend the winter in Summer's warm mouth
Somewhere far away.
But the geese return.
And my heart has yearned
To see the gods again,
To wander and reign with them,
Just east of Knowth and Dowth
And down by the Sea.


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