Thursday, October 1, 2020

 I’m in love with a dead man.

That’s what’s wrong with me.

But until someone comes along

Who can out do him,

I sink or swim every day.

Some people fall for a movie star.

They crush on celebrity.

I went fanatic over a man and his words,

And deludedly, I hoped I’d really meet him.

Then one day I heard someone say

The cruelest words that were ever said,

“He’s dead, you know?”

I was thirteen.

It seemed they were speaking to someone else,

Anyone but me.

But clearly, I’m the only one

Strange enough to idolize an ideal

From another age.

But do I feel alone?

Do I worry that I will never have children?

But somehow I have had two sons,

And now, they are the ones

I love.

They pull me into the future.

They slingshot my mind out of my time here,

An ancient past, a chromed-in casualty

And Life sits here, meanwhile,

Fed up with me ignoring it.


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