Monday, December 16, 2024

 These birds that sing

Were born because of star shine

That shone on their nests

And gave the word of life to the eggs.

These beautiful tweets

Have come from the stars.

The silver beams of each and every chirp

Originate from a nebula far away in the heart of the cosmos.

The birds are nourished by the tall trees

That grow so high,

The blue sky, and the rain,

The oxygen that the trees exhale,

The male, the femaleness, the in between.

And that’s why birdsong is so sweet and holy. 

And you…

You have originated in the nebulae, too,

As a part of the cosmos whole and complete.

Don’t compete with it.

Just flow,

And you will surely glow

As mysteriously and as wondrously as

The numenous stars do.


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