Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Turn On

No one really recognized her.
She was lit up like a Christmas Tree.
We’d always seen her as mousy,
And kind of serious.
But that smile      
Opened the door to us,
Showed us the warm fire of joy blazing in there!

It was him.
We’d never seen her with him.
But he had the ends of her hair in his hands,
The strands shone as he twirled them around his fingertips.
He would lean over and whisper to her,
And she would throw her head back and laugh
Right out loud.

Her eyes, gleamed,
Sparkling like champagne bubbles.
Never seen them so wide awake!
We all shook our heads.
Such abundance slept dormant,
And none of us knew it.
He brought forth life,
Effervescing throughout her entire personality.
This man had found the good stuff in her china closet
And wasn’t afraid to help her bring it out.

-jenn long

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