Sunday, September 29, 2019

I remain more fasted than usual in these times.
Then no one can call me the fatted calf.
No one will kill the fatted calf for me.
But neither will anyone bother
To slaughter me as their sacrifice.

And in a time of trouble,
I, too, will be able to hide myself away
In a very narrow cleft of the rock
That nobody else seems to want.

But until then, hide yourself away
From me, my great redeemer.
Turn yourself away from me as I am crucified today,
So I, too, can ask, as humans are wont to do,
"Why have you forsaken me?"
And somehow find the guts to mean it.

For in my heart of hearts, I know,
That there has never been a time
That you and I have not been together as one.
You are with me always.


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