Monday, October 7, 2019

After the library at Alexandria burned,
A man walking by found the charred remains
Of a book that described the Philosopher's Stone and where to find it.
And so he sold everything he had
And moved up to the coast of Spain
And set up camp on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
The book described a smooth black pebble,
That might appear as any other 
That you could see on that shore.

But the book explained the mystery 
Of how one would know the Philosopher's Stone
By the fact that it would feel cool to the touch
Instead of warm, as one would expect 
A normal pebble to be from lying there on the sun.

And the story goes that the man
Contrived a plan so that he wouldn't continue 
To try the same pebbles over and over.
He would pick one up and feel it,
And if it were warm, he would
Hurl it into the sea.

And so he did this day after day,
Until one occasion when he reached down 
And grabbed a pebble 
And felt that it was cool,
And he stood up,
And hurled it into the sea!

Immediately he recoiled 
In grief and pain.
He had thrown the Philosopher's Stone away,
And would surely never find it again,
And why?
Because he was in such a rut of habit,
That before he could think 
That something was different here,
He had acted out of rote.

So I hope I don't go on
Doing the same old same old things,
And miss some spontaneous magic
That might happen to me.
I hope I can be aware
Of a lovely chance 
To stare into some extraordinary thing
(Like your eyes)
And understand what a chance that I've been given.


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