Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I have a heart for the worms in my yard. They are so sweet.
They keep the air porosity levels right
So the flowers and beans may grow.
When it rains a lot, they seem
To drown in dirt, and find themselves 
Creeping aimlessly through the street.
I have the urge to pick them up
And put them somewhere safe.
I don’t know where.
I tend to throw them back into my yard,
But they just came from there,
And they don’t seem happy to be back.

I don’t seem happy to have to touch them.
It makes me squeal to feel them squirm.
Worm salvation is a dirty business,
But it can be more satisfying than
Evangelicizing for a church.
Maybe some of the very enlightened worms,
When they discover they are saved,
Sing hallelujah and glory be.
I have a heart for the worms in my yard,
But do they have ten hearts for me?


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