Monday, March 13, 2023

 Wow! Don’t you just love daylight savings time ?

We were farmers when I was young,

And we always got up before the sun

And went to the ready—

To water the hogs,

Unlock the chickens,

Get the dogs going

And round up the cows,

Brand them and worm them

And plow the fields,

Plant our peanuts and soybeans,

And then, we’d go to bed,

Whenever we were tired,

Or dead or the sun went down,

But it didn’t matter what time that was.

But now I live in town,

And everything goes by the book and the clock.

Even my car has a timing chain,

And it doesn’t matter,

The rain or the shine,

Appointments happen.

We get in line and stand there,

Wondering what we should do while we wait.

I look up from my cubicle 

At five grown men,

Trying to pull the water bottle down into

The water cooler.

I’d help, too, but I’m clocked out now,

And I’ve got to get my car to the shop by 530.

It’s time to get the air in the tires rotated

And the muffler belts changed.

What a faulty construct we created!

The measurement of time,

And most of our so-called civilization.

Our TV guide, our fickle monetary system,

Our vain hopes to play more golf

During our feeble attempts to turn up the clocks

For daylight savings.


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