Sunday, May 26, 2024

 Under Standards 

These are just words that drop

On your window pane tonight,

But someday everything will change,

And it will rain down on your face.

Will you forget to close it?

Or will you step out through it,

Into the true unknown 

With windblown hair,

Under the trees at night

While it storms,

And feel the lightning bugs that grace the arbor?

These are just words that drop upon your window pane tonight,

But someday you may learn to speak Chinese,

Or better yet,

You may learn to cast your spell,

And  conversate with me?

Come out and play,

And let the day begin at dusk,

Until the musk of dew distills,

And all our ills are gone,

Til , yay, verily, we can rain

Upon the window panes in the village,

And see if anyone else can understand.


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