Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Truth Truth?

Truth is not hard and fast.

Truth takes the path of least resistance.

We call it a white lie,

But it is also black.

Truth is not hard and fast,

But soft and slow.

It fills in the low places first,

With love, like water,

And washes all the hurts away.

All is Truth in Tai Chi,

And everything is a Great Tai Chi.

Truth will meet you where you are,

Flutter beside you.

It takes your heart and flies up,

Which ever way that is.

It gallops and thunders and stamps it’s feet,

But even as it does, it’s grace is sufficient 

And it’s exciting to feel this accepted,

Surrounded by the exquisite everyday existence 

Of essential Truth.

Yin and Yang 

Are not the same,

But neither are they different,

And all is Truth in Tai Chi,

And everything is just a great Tai Chi.


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