Friday, August 2, 2024

 Model Student 

One has hair that stands on end,

Creating a beautiful, vibrant wind blown appearance

That depends on electricity

Of love and light from one’s surroundings 

To stir the chemistry of her heart and soul.

Another such model of fancy hair

Scoffs at the randomness of such luck:

“I just use corn starch to powder my coiffed locks,”

She admits in a candid, conversational way.

What a lark!

That a spark from the mind

Can create either kind of beauty.

And yet…. Is it everyone’s duty

To be beautiful in some way?

And can the kindness 

And the universal respect for Life

Manifest itself in ways that are too subtle

To be seen,

But must be felt

In the pure, entire acceptance 

Of oneself, and of all things?


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