Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Oh yes, if you'd been first at the red light,
You'd've hit the ground running the second it turned green.
You'd've never skipped a beat or wasted a 10th of a millisecond
Before your foot would've hit that gas pedal and spun rubber.
You would never have to find your gears or grind them,
Because you're a world's wonder
At being first out of the starting gate.

But you got behind me today.
And I'm slow.
And I would like to put a nickel in because I don't like the color.
And I do want to see if it'll get any greener.
And I hesitate to put it in gear, Myrtle,
Because I wonder if the fan belt really might pull it.
So, I give you your heart's desire,
Someone to honk at,
Someone to despise and ridicule
Because I'm not like you.
But then again, you wouldn't really be you without me.


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