Thursday, January 3, 2019

Life is a lover who says, "Don't go..."
While the afterlife offers reward,
But it seems like raking the leaves
To the Lover,
Or shoveling thankless snow.

And Life says, "Stay here in bed with me,
There's no need of making a way.
All that we need for now is right here,
So please, please stay."

But one day a window will open.
One day your heart's spirit may fly,
When loving your life can't outweigh
Enigma drawing so nigh.

So kiss your Lover sweetly.
Gently take your time, 
But know this: the afterlife is a lover too,
And she will come to spoon you up
And into her mouth with deeper kisses
Than you've ever known,
And mysteries of pleasure,
And better, better love, better life
Than you can imagine.
And she will not want you to go, either,
Because you are lovely and lovable.


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