Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I have texts on my phone from dead people,
And in between the gray and green 
Bubbles of what they said to me
And what I said to them,
Are heavy heavy drops 
Of uranium water words
I meant to say and couldn't.
They hang there by the edges now
Like wall flowers who,
For some strange reason,
Suddenly have the urge to dance.

And in this same perverse scheme,
They turn on me,
And want me to dance with them.
But this is the last dance, a slow dance,
And I barely know them,
But they're guilting me out on the floor.
And while they have a hold of me,
They push their cold lips to my ear
And whisper to me all the things
I should have said.

So please, hear me:
I'm very sorry if I've ever hurt you.
I love you.


The diamond mind is far from wise.
It shines but it is hard.
It is sharp, and it can cut
Anything at anytime.
But a girl's best friend
Is always something that doesn't ring
So loud in her ears,
Or glare, but something inside her
That glows, something that knows her
Well enough to tell her
Where home is.

Sweet winter fills us.
The earth is an ice cream cake,
Bridges are icing.


Just when I think nobody loves me
And I'm looking out a gray window 
At an eternal winter day,
I get a call from my banker,
And he wants to talk turkey,
And even his gobble is a welcome noise to my ears.

He tells me my loan is coming through,
And I can buy my seed
And plant my cotton very soon,
And I say, "Well hell, Charlie!
I don't care what anybody else
Says about you! You can be
My hoss if you NEVER win a race!"

If I fight my nature, what will I be?
How will my soul recognize me?
So yes, I'm silly! I dance! I flirt!
I dream, and I'm not serious enough
For so many of you.
I want to travel. I want to go
And see new things and try new foods,
And do new things and enjoy life.
So sue me, or do me a favor,
And let me live under the same star
That I was born under,
And live your best life under yours,
I want to feel at home somewhere
In this vast universe. Please?

I'm going to Ipswich for breakfast,
Ipswich by the sea.
I'll catch myself a salty fish
And have a spot of tea.
And maybe I won't eat the fish.
Maybe I will find it
To be a brilliant conversationalist 
And make it a friend of mine.
And maybe it will tell me
The secrets of the sea,
If there are really mermaids,
And what conspiracy has kept
The Silkies under wraps
Of the vast oceanic folds,
And where the sunken treasures be,
And other things untold
Or long forgotten by the travails of man.
So I long to find the salty fish
And catch it if I can.


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Interview Interrupted

They asked if I had experience as a nurse,
And my eyes got big and I had to giggle,
When I admitted that I didn't,
And furthermore, in thinking
Of just how different I was 
From my nurse friends I know,
I thought I might as well end the interview with a crash
And a bang, and that a laugh was needed here,
And so I told them I did have experience with breastfeeding.

My children tell me "what I should've done,"
And thus I know what the cool kids are doing.
I know what to say next time
Someone tells me to pull my socks up,
And I'm not wearing any!

My parents used to tell me what I should've done, too,
And that is how I knew 
What the cool kids were NOT doing!

But, alas, I have listened to the voices of too many critics,
And have wound up at Ham-a-lot
While aiming for Camelot.

I have one arrow left in my quiver!
I'll shoot it myself at my own design,
And hit or miss, receive blame or credit,
For to err is human, to forgive, divine!


Some people have ancestors 
To worship and adore,
To watch over them
And guide them,
To inspire them to do great things
And protect them from all harm.
My ancestors died on the Trail of Tears
And gave up
Their ghosts so hard that even their spirits are hard to find.

So come
And love me,
For I am orphaned.

Come and watch over me.
Inspire me to greatness.
Put color into my pale cheeks.

Come and love me.
Be my ancestor.


I hope there is a spoiler here,
Something to ruin reveries,
Something to undermine dreams,
And kill everyone's fantasies (but his or her own.)
For what is life but one big chain
Of fantasy after fantasy?
If not that, it should be.

But what would a beautiful picnic be
Without the ants,
And what the ointment for the stings
If not for the great gadfly in it?

What would life be
With these ruinations?
Ah yes, it would be lovely.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

I wonder if now that Neil Young is older,
And has gone ahead and traded Pegi in for Daryl Hannah,
If he ever changes, not his tune,
For that's too hard,
But maybe the lyrics have changed.

I wonder, does he ever say,
"Young man, take a look at your life,
I'm a lot like you are."


He wakes up from a fever dream
And the first words that stutter 
Out of his mouth are, "Potato Famine.... Potato Famine!"

And I ask if he's ok, and he says
Again to me, "Potato Famine!"
So I take his temperature 
And ask if he dreamed of the potato famine.
He stirs about a bit and answers it
Like any good 14year old,
"Yes," he says.
And I say, "Wow! It sounds like you got
A serious taste of the potato famine in your dream!
Maybe it's a nod to the Irish in our ancestry!"
Then he says, "I'm hungry, Mom.
Can we go to chic-fil-a this morning
And get some of their fries?"

And I say, "No, chic-fil-a is closed today. 
It's Sunday."
And he rolls his eyes and groans
And curses under his breath,


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Winter trees are bare.
They expose the bird nests
Like actors out of character,
The curtain pulled too soon.

My broth is bare today.
Too clear I see the spoon,
And the bird nest is exposed
In my egg drop soup.

I crave you,
As I do the poetry of
Robert Burns,
Dark chocolate,
And the smell of a stale cigar.
I crave you,
As I do the feel
Of rough cut tweed
And whiskers
And your soft silken hair.

Just a little bit of your cologne
Flares my nostrils.
Just a little bit of you
Makes me heady,
Intoxicates me.
It seems I can only have
Just a little bit of you.
Maybe that is all I need.

The part of me I call my soul
Is free
Is whole and healed
And can't stand to be misused

But I can tell you,
My troubles can't wait to see you again.

"Like" flies to "like"
Like birds of a feather,
And part of me prefers the sun,
And another part weathers the rain better.

But I can tell you,
My troubles can't wait to see you again.


Friday, February 22, 2019

I'm well fed
And want to go
And lie on the beach 
And get some sun
Until my 30 minutes is up
And I can go back in the water.

I'd sure hate to get a butt cramp.

Would you like to come with me
And lie on the beach in the morning sun?
And, no, you don't have to do anything you don't want to.

I'd sure hate for you to get a butt cramp.

I thought I was dry until I went into the desert.
I didn't know.
I thought I was wet til I met the jungle
At the hot humid part of the world
Where the Amazon flows.

And I thought I was lonely
Til I met you.
Now nothin else'll do
Til I tell you
How only the lonelier soul I ever knew
Than me is you.

And you are dryer than the desert
And wetter than the fog
That rolls off of the coasts of Scotland,
Or Ireland's peat bogs,
And youre smarter than the whales
With their giant brains,
And more stubborn than a buffalo
Out on the plains,
Like a muly old bull,
And twice as solitary,
Matted and hairy,
And you're lonelier than me.

Break my heart and call me broken,
Give me a line and a token
Of your affiliation.
Show me what hot is. Show me dry.
Show me wet and let me try to guess
What broken hearted version of lonely,
Is lonelier than me.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

I make him sick,
But he has cured me of almost everything.
He is like a biblical hero who took up his sling
And hurled me beyond
Anywhere that I could've gotten myself to.
I am the stone the builders rejected,
But he picked me up
Like a good rock,
And he skips me across the sky.

Somehow he has sent me all the way
Back out through the atmosphere
To the heavens where I came from,
Breaking the earth's gravity for me,
Burning off everything
That was holding me back,
Then freezing me solid in the pure chill of the outer void.
And now I'm going, going, gone,
Happy and dazzling as the evening star,
Hurtling through space like the good rock that I am.

Little Nancy Etticoat
In her white petticoat 
Is protected by her love.
No one else will see her melt,
No one see the candle burn
Into the night and into the afternoon.
But who will protect her from herself,
And who will protect her as she melts
With her love?


Sunday, February 17, 2019

I sing my song of love for you.
All my songs
Go out
To you and you alone.
They create an ovate web
That glistens in the morning dew 
And catches dreams.
And dewdrops fall on the silken threads,
Like my fingers on the strings
Of the harp I play for you,
While you sing your songs of love to me.


Friday, February 15, 2019

The ocean will let you wade in
To her and swim in her and ride
Her mighty waves back to the shore.
The ocean will let you go away,
Or sit up on the sand out of her reach,
And never ask for anything more
Of you, even that you remember her
Or return to her forevermore.

And she might allow a god to part her waters,
And she might allow an army of people through,
But the waters will not stay parted there forever,
For she will never quit being the ocean,
And she will never forget you,
And you will never forget her.


You need a muse that keeps you guessing,
Keeps you wistful, mysteriously
Chasing something
That every so often you catch,
Only for it to pop
Like an elusive bubble
In your hands,
Or like a kiss that expands into the night 

Only to vanish like morning stars.

This way you can write from the heart,
The raw universal truths of mankind.
This way the ending of your own dream,
Weaving out from your own mind
Can surprise you,
And you can surprise yourself
And find deep joy and happiness.


Monday, February 11, 2019

Beware of Admonitions

They'll always warn you about your TrueLove!
"Watch out for him!"
"Watch out for her," they'll say.
They worry you'll get too far out 
Onto the risky thin ice
Of happiness and fall through
Into a deep trance of transcendent love
And never return to their mundane rules and religions.

They'll never warn you about the ones 
That they would pick out for you,
The acceptable, respectable, suitable suitors
And suitresses,
But they should!

I wish somebody would have warned me about this!
That's why I'm warning you.
Don't ever listen to anything besides your own heart
When it comes to


I am the lady of the shallots.
I weave all that I see
From the darkened dimly mirror.
I know the curse on me.

I plant my onions early
And often and repose,
Hastening the day I look directly 
At Camelot.

Then will I write my name upon the boat
And die,
And ride the flowing tide right up to Camelot,
Where they will say, "What here?"
But Lancelot will know.

I will return as the goddess-ghost 
Of the shallots, yay, verily!
And poet bards will sing their hymns to me,
And then I'll be forever free of the curse,
Give up weaving eternally,
And dance peacefully among the shallots!

If I flinch at kindness,
What else can I say?
That the cruelty of the world
Has scared my heart this way?
If I wonder what's behind a grin,
Is it only me recognizing
The whole truth across the gamut,
From "maybe something"
To "my paranoia has set in again?"

I've seen Love walk headlong into a trap
And stay there though she had the power to leave,
And mind her pretty manners and look good
Surrounded by a hornet's nest of bees.

And yet, not I! 
I'll mutter "Nevermind!"
And "What have I done now?" under my breath,
And pout and sulk,
And smother you half to death
With butterfly kisses,
And dream great frothy dreams
Of kindness in a cruel world.


She is the mother.
She is the child.
She is the sister
Raising her wild baby brothers.
She loves them with a fierce love
That even their mother could never show,
And yet her love is deep enough
To let them go and be wild men
That they were born to be.

And their blessing?
Their curse?
Two edges of her double-sword:
To find women to love them
As much and as wildly as she does,
For there may be no more like her.


Saturday, February 9, 2019

I was invited to the castle,
But I should have said no.
I arrived to scornful frowns
From the ladies in waiting,
And felt an immediate sense
That I was underdressed.
The Walmart sack I'd packed my things in
Also contained the brand new socks 
I'd bought to wear for the occasion.
I still have the receipt.
I may return them and get my money back,
Buy myself a hotdog and some fries,
Recluse again to the attic in my bungalow,
And keep writing poems,
Long as the money holds out.
