Friday, February 1, 2019

The checker at Walmart is extra sweet.
She takes time to double bag my spaghetti sauce.
She's smiling and asking me, "How's my day?"
She picks up a scented candle to scan it,
And stops to smell it,
"Ooooh, that's nice!" she exclaims.

Now she's come to the Baby Bottle Pop sucker I got for my teenage son,
Because he has a sore throat,
And I know he loves these things.
She smiles wistfully and sighs,
"Ya know, I am 26 years old,
And I still love these things."

"Yeah, that's the new flavor," I say,
And she nods her head enthusiastically.
"I'm gonna try one later today!" 

I can't help but smile,
Taking my groceries to my car,
And think, some people are truly extra sweet,
And really do make the world a better place,
And yes, even Walmart.


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