Sunday, February 23, 2020

If I walk out of my room
In a daze, without saying a word,
I’m only sleepwalking.
It’s best that you don’t wake me.

If I go down as far as the turn row,
Where the light of the moon
Shows me hazy and spectral,
Don’t shake me

Til long after I’ve made it
Down the aisle,
To the place where the hay shocks 
Stand like groomsmen
Awaiting me,

Long after I’ve made my sacred vows,
And the stringed quartet
Has taken its bows,
And the receptionists swoon.
Don’t force me to wake or to speak too soon,
Or ever, til long after the honeymoon is over.

I’m only sleep walking,
So please don’t wake me
Til June, or July or 
Maybe the following May,
Or if that’s too far gone,
Give me at least til tomorrow night.


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