Thursday, November 26, 2020

 He’s going his way,

And I’m going mine.

“How are ya,” I ask,

And he says, “Fine! I’m well. 

How are you?”

“Good,” I say.

So, he’s well and I’m good.

Is any of this true?

I smile and wave,

And he smiles, too,

And so, so very true,

Then, it must be.

And we continue on our merry ways,



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

We’re rolling dice

And playing nice

While the outcome’s

Out on the horizon.

But as it’s coming 

Closer into view, 

We’ll wonder if the game

Is worth the candle?

Would it be better to finish 

Playing in the dark?

On a lark, handicap 

Each other lightly?

Or to just handle one another spritely,

Go to bed,

And save the candle 

For some other game instead?


Monday, November 23, 2020

 In a world where the worldview is obvious,

Subversion occurs above ground,

Where lyrics slowly erode the canyons 

Of open ended denigration.

Music flows through the streets of the marketplace,

Where conservative fish cutters hum

The tunes of songs they think they know,

But the PiedPiper carries them away,

Where the people live and eat and play

And do something as radical as accepting one another,

Living their everyday lives two inches above the ground.

There is always music of the spheres

For those who hear it,

And unlike the tree that falls in the forest

And no one’s there

The spirit of the cosmos whirling

Makes its harmonic sounds

Whether anyone chooses to listen or not,

And love abounds,

Whether or not the words are said.


 She cries from the sea

Her cry affects everyone who hears

Her deep dissatisfaction appeals

To anyone who’s ever felt

The unrequitedness of love 

No one wants to appear ungrateful 

But everyone has felt the pain

Of receiving bad gifts at Christmastime

And you can’t say anything 

But deep down you know

There must not be a Santa Claus 

For all of this is terribly wrong

And the grownups make light conversation 

But we see them cut their eyes

To pry into our childlike station

Remembering the demise

Of their own childhoods

I go outside 

My backyard the rocky Hebrides

I hear her cry

My hands reach out

For forgotten Atlantis

Longing to sing along with her

The woeful siren of the sea



My older son has a fever.

“Do you have a headache?” I say.

“No,” he answers.

“A sore throat?”

“No,” he says, “I just feel tired.”

I’m reading off the Covid symptoms 

As listed on the CDC guideline page.

“A general malaise?” I ask.

“No,” he says, “I’d say it’s more of a lethargy.”


 I ask my older son

What he wants to eat.

He doesn’t know; he isn’t hungry.

But as I’m still watching him shake his head

My younger son pipes up and says,

“I’ll take a hamburger.”


 Frustrated people frustrate people 

He’s trying to cheat on his wife at church

Lucky for everyone it’s a big church

With lots of people everywhere like a mall

And lots of of programs to get lost in

He’s convinced me to sit on the couch  with him

My heart is pounding in my chest

He’s gotten me all excited 

Only to leave me hanging 

He’s in search of something else

Someone new

I watch him through the window

He wanders off into the rose garden

As my heart swells and bursts

And bits of it trail off after him in abandonment 


Saturday, November 21, 2020

 Your love is dyed,

Just like your hair,

But here and there a root appears.

Traces of reality start to show.

Beneath your laugh,

One genuine tear,

And trickling from your sadness,

A beautiful hint of rascality.

Your love belies the hate you hold so dear,

And in your hate, a secret, gleeful love.

But shave your head like a monk 

And walk away from your so-called life.

Don the wide-striped orange prison gear

And walk through town.

Return to your true nature,

And acknowledge these things,

As deeply embedded in yourself.

Then wilt thou be perfect,

Even as a god,

And then wilt thou bring forth

Thine own heart’s smile

Of sweet rascality.


 Wolfalo don’t know what to eat.

A witch beguiled him.

He can’t tolerate meat,

But grass gives him the runs.

He’s half wolf,

Half buffalo,

But he can’t live on cinnamon buns forever.

If he could go back in time,

And re-arrange the spell,

And change the words

He heard the wicked woman say,

Get his money back

For what she tried to sell him,

And what he bought instead.

Then his dna would be pure,

Not iron mingled with clay

As all the rest of the modern world.

Then he could have something to say

By being better than

The rest of us.

Alas! He opens his StickyBun,

Peels the plastic wrap away,

And throws it in the recycle bin

Like a good little Wolfalo,

And turns his tv on.

He tries not to listen

To them tell him what to think,

But he has to listen a little bit

To get ideas of what to eat and drink now,

So he watches Rachel Ray,

Has a glass of bourbon,

Howls at the moon.

He’s half nocturnal, now.

He stamps his hooves

And waits for morning to come,

So he can not sleep then either.


 How carefully she taught us

To draw a spider web,

Our first grade teacher

Who had come from being a missionary 

At a Navajo reservation.

Normally every lesson seemed

Of the same importance,

But on this bright October morn,

She stopped and stood before the room,

And was so still and silent

That a class full of thirty six year-olds

Quieted, and wondered now

If something were wrong.

But she told us to take out our rulers

And our blackest pencils,

And while she took a yardstick out

And a white piece of chalk,

And drew on the blackboard,

She spoke to us.

She taught us how to make a cross,

And how this represent the cardinal directions

Of north, south, east, and west,

And then she drew an X imposed,

And told us all the ordinals:

Northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest.

More lines geometrically between,

She called the “secondary intercardinals.”

And while we were mesmerized 

By our Spirographing, she told us

A Hopi creation story, of how Great Uncle

Had created The Spiderwoman,

And how she created the world.

And as we drew our lines,

We pondered how the strings of a spiderweb all move,

If even only one of them is touched.

She told us that all the people out there

In every cardinal direction, and every ordinal direction,

And at every secondary intercardinal point

Were related to us, and connected.

And so we drew our spiderwebs,

So deep in thought,

Knowing, as only six year olds can,

That it made a lot of sense,

Maybe even more than other stories we had heard.


 Here comes winter

Just in time for COVID 

Just in time for love or money

Just in time for taking back

The stupid things you’ve said

Or “meant to say”

Blow winds, blow

Go away 

And then blow home again, you’ll see

You can never go home again 

Whether you’re you

Or whether you’re me

Whether you lose

Or win or draw

Or even if you are the wind

And winter is your cup of tea 

You’ll see, you never can go home again


 If you sign on to play with Simon,

You have to say, “Mother May I?”

And listen very closely to the rules.

There’s no fine print to see,

So, only auditorially will you be able

To sense the way to victory.

And if you ever went to school,

You’ll know the little ways to cheat the system,

But if you were a dropout, like me,

You can see, even quicker,

The bigger ways to outpace

The entire charade, win the game,

And find your fame, riding in a limousine 

At the ticker tape parade.


 I planned to be slim and svelte

On my wedding day,

To be the most beautiful blushing bride, 

But she showed up in the church-house,

My alter-ego, dressed in white,

With her wispy limbs and coal black hair,

I was only bold enough to wear ivory, 

And I hadn’t invited her.

It was then and there I decided

That in my next life,

I, myself, would be my own nemesis,

And ruin my own plans,

Ruin my own days and my own nights,

Play both halves against all the middles,

Until my plight was surely fixed

And I could have it both ways!

Win and lose!

And then choose which side

My mind wanted to camp in

And who I wanted to bed down with for the night.

And then I said to myself, “Why wait!”

And then, a voice from a deeper place within said,

“You’ve really been sabotaging yourself all along.”

And so I’m living my next life now!

I ran from the altar,

Sped off in the honeymoon car alone.

The tin cans, after all these years,

Are still tied to the back bumper, 

Just as life strings me along.

But the “M” has smudged 

To look like an “H,”

Informing the world that I leave behind

That I’m not this, and I’m not that,

I’m “Just Happily Harried!”


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 “You’re teeth are too dry,” the old women said.

“Sometimes teeth need to be oiled,” she added

As she rattled over to her cupboard and produced 

A small stone crock with a wooden lid.

She popped the seal and dug two 

Of her bent fingers down deep into the jar.

“Bring your mouth over here,” she commanded.

I hesitated, very unsure. 

“What IS that?” I asked.

“You wanna keep your teeth?” she answered.

“Yes,” I managed to say. I did want that.

“Then bring your mouth over here.”

She only stood four feet away,

But made no move to come to me.

I was only two feet from her front door,

And in my mind, I tried to weigh my options.

If I turned and escaped this medicine,

I would be a full day walking back to town

.........with a toothache.

But I didn’t seem to want to take 

The cure from out of this old hag’s jar.

It was starting to drip from her two fingers.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked.

I stood dumb, like an animal.

“Aughhh!” she grunted in disgust

Her two fingers headed for her own mouth.

“No, wait!” I exclaimed,

But, too late.

I stepped toward her just as she

Larupped her fingers around in her mouth.

“Mmmmmmmm,” she said. “That sure is good!”

I stood just before her now.

“I do need my teeth oiled, please,” I told her.

She took those same two fingertips

And dipped them back into the cream.

I opened my mouth,

And she proceeded to rub the fat

All over my teeth, until they squeaked

In cleanliness and humectant sheen.

“That IS good,” I thought to myself,

Tasting the fresh, nutty flavored fat,

But I didn’t say anything.


 I didn’t make it to your funeral.

I had a flat tire on the way.

I couldn’t get the lug nuts off the wheel,

So I sat in the ditch and cried.

I saw the time and knew the ceremony’d started.

Too late, I sat alone,

And concentrated thoughts of you

Came through my veins.

Sweet piano notes flowed through my mind,

Expressing the a sigh of broken goodbyes

And kindness and love and funny valentines.

The sun shined on me.

The wind rushed by with passing cars,

Going on to so many destinations 

Yet unknown.

I sat alone and grieved you solely,

Wholly mystified at your passing,

Asking myself, “Why?”

But deep down I know.

And I know not to grieve too long.

You will wait to be reborn,

But you are just as much alive today 

As yesterday, 

Riding the music and the waves

Through twelve dimensions 

Of Time and Space.

Freely my heart receives this grace.

I see your face,


Larger than life,

In the sky.


Monday, November 16, 2020

 My body is designed to bring forth

The delegated expressions of heaven.

Only two stars have I in my crown,

My extant sons.

They guru me.

One is a pillar of fire,

One a cloud.

They light up my days and nights,

Guide me back, into my childhood,

Where I find all the answers

And keys to the kingdom.

I know how to enter the gates of silliness.

I’ve been initiated,

And with myrrh, I see,

My body is designed to bring forth happiness

And milk, and warmth, and love,

And it does.

I do.

I marry the beauty of all life

In the privacy of my own mystery religion.


Sunday, November 15, 2020

 When Time splits like atoms,

And the unsplittable moment appears,

Holy and awe inspiring,

As music dawns like daybreak,

And a seagull flies forth from the morning,

Don’t worry about supper.

Don’t worry about anything.

Listen to the sounds

And see the vision.

Let your life resound in you,

Flowing through you like a mountain stream.

Be happy 

And let yourself be filled with love.


Friday, November 6, 2020

 Some wait for the stars to shine.

Others pine and hope against hope

For the day the stars will all align.

I build a fire

And watch the smoke go up.

I put my hands up in the sky

And feel the stars on my fingertips

And the starlight in my hair.

I’m unsubscribed 

From the way things ought to be.

I have love here

Deep in the heart of me tonight.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 The real world is no better than the ideal.

You can labor all night in a dream

And wake tired,

And suddenly remember with guilt

How you called someone

By the wrong name

The entire time,

Only to realize it upon waking.

A mistaken identity 

In a parallel realm?

Or a wishful Freudian slip?

Now I remember the face of the man in my dream,

Who, all night long,

Never corrected me,

Yet whose eyes belied the disappointment,

And I feel I should have known.

But try as I will,

Can I ever recur to him

To make amends?


 I live in the shell

Of an egg that someone cracked

And fried,

The accidental tortoise,

A hide on top of a hide on top of a hide.

And somewhere under all the layers of skin,

An incidental onion exists,

Waiting for a prince to kiss it,

Or a convenient petunia patch 

To go and sprout up in.

I live in the shell

Of an egg that someone cracked

And fried,

But someday I’ll get beside myself 

And get outside it all.

And then I’ll see I’m ten foot tall,

Like a cat,

Who belongs in the sky,

With the bees, 

And the tops of very old pecan trees.
