Saturday, November 21, 2020

 I planned to be slim and svelte

On my wedding day,

To be the most beautiful blushing bride, 

But she showed up in the church-house,

My alter-ego, dressed in white,

With her wispy limbs and coal black hair,

I was only bold enough to wear ivory, 

And I hadn’t invited her.

It was then and there I decided

That in my next life,

I, myself, would be my own nemesis,

And ruin my own plans,

Ruin my own days and my own nights,

Play both halves against all the middles,

Until my plight was surely fixed

And I could have it both ways!

Win and lose!

And then choose which side

My mind wanted to camp in

And who I wanted to bed down with for the night.

And then I said to myself, “Why wait!”

And then, a voice from a deeper place within said,

“You’ve really been sabotaging yourself all along.”

And so I’m living my next life now!

I ran from the altar,

Sped off in the honeymoon car alone.

The tin cans, after all these years,

Are still tied to the back bumper, 

Just as life strings me along.

But the “M” has smudged 

To look like an “H,”

Informing the world that I leave behind

That I’m not this, and I’m not that,

I’m “Just Happily Harried!”


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