Saturday, July 13, 2024


Petals are falling on me

From up above

Dead flowers from the grave 

Of someone that I used to love

A glass vase atop a double oven

Where I shoved the fresh arrangement 

So the cat couldn’t play with it

And knock it over on the table where it sat 

Fearing that it might shatter the entire scene 

And now a month of Sundays has passed by

The flowers are dry

Occasionally now a petal will fall

I go into a stall in mid-flight of my morning routine

It’s like I’ve never seen this before 

A dried up petal hits my floor

Or lands on my iPad while YouTube is playing my favorite tune

How did I get to this place so soon in life

What will bring me out of this heady swoon I feel at times

That my life is careening out of the air mid-stall

Like these dead petals that fall around me


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