Saturday, July 13, 2024

 I can look for the good in rabbits and squirrels.

I can see the best in dogs and cats,

And even give the benefit of the doubt to bats,

But human beings?

It used to be that boys and girls were innocent and sweet,

But now, we humans, at an early age,

Take on such structured attitudes.

We have decided what is wrong and what is right,

And we have the nerve to judge

And then tell others what to do,

And label them as damn fools

If they don’t do what we think that they should.

Our first instinct with each other is not to look for the good,

But to criticize,

See the worst in the people we meet,

Size up our parents, and our friends, 

Even our children.

And this hard behavior boomerangs,

And so then, we can’t resist being hard on ourselves.

We’re tortured souls.

God, help.

God help us all.


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