Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Only Things I Really Know

 The only things I really know
Are whispered from my deepest soul.
I seem to recollect the revealing view,
And the ages breathe out, “This is true.”
Love is blowing from every direction of space.
It comes like a horror, exposing its face,
Which shines out, like the flares of a hundred suns,
And leaves me x-rayed, and completely undone
In the humbled, broken, terror of good.
How large it is. How misunderstood!
Beyond the separation of some evil duality,
Rolled up in intimate, passionate unity,
It thrills me, pushes me, satisfies,
Then chuckles, as I shiver, and close my eyes.

-jenn long

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quantum physics explains a lot about love
Wave theory certainly applies
As starbright breakers roll over us
Souls swept up in a tidal rush
The heat of our affection
Obeys the law of thermal equilibrium
And the principle of equipartition
Cosmic inflation of feelings occur
The big bang
Leads the way
To unification
So when the quantum of my love collides with yours
Is inevitable