When it's dark in the country and dark in the house,
And your parents have told you to go to bed,
But you're fidgety, and all you want to do,
It's go out on the porch
And look at the moon and the moonlight.
And so you tiptoe toward the door,
But something unexpected on the floor
Trips you up, and makes you go bump in the night,
And you scare your brothers, and your sis,
And hear a commotion because of this:
You were fidgety and just wanted to look at the moon and the moonlight.
But your parents footsteps down the hall
Turn your destiny, and you scurry
To fall back in bed, fall into pseudo-snoring.
You're lying there with your eyes closed tight.
What good acting they could see
If there was any light in the room,
But it's dark, and so they have to ask,
"Esthalee! Estha! Is that you?!"
And so you have to tell them,
"I can't hear you! I'm asleep!"
And your mother can't help but laugh,
And you sulk because you can't tell
If it's 'at you' or 'with you,'
And you wonder how they knew
It was you, out of the other five kids in the house?
And all you ever wanted to do
Was to look at the moon
From the front porch that night,
To see the great moon and the moonlight.