Friday, July 5, 2019

The food industry advertises,
"Buy my food! It tastes so good!
It'll make you strong!"
But if you eat it,
You'll be hungry all day long for more,
Because the additives and preservatives 
They stirred in are addictive,
And they want you at the store,
Buying their products over and over.

The beauty industry teases you
With how much prettier you could be.
It says, "Buy my creams and lotions!"
They're "magic potions" that you buy by the ounce,
But filled with chemicals you cannot pronounce.
And they'll soak into your bones
And take your natural tones and make them blue,
Until you'll need the healthcare industry, too.

The music industry says,
"Buy my tape, my album, my cd!
Like me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram!
But they don't give a damn
About a song that Redbirds sang
While wind chimes chimed.

And I'm right here.
And I don't want anything
From anybody.

I just want to sing for you
The love I felt going through me
While the wind blew.
I want to give that love to you
In a lovesong,
For free.


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