Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rattle my cage.
Go ahead, Human.
Wake me up
From a peaceful dream.

I have big hair
And big, open eyes.
I try to understand my world
And everything in it, but I can't,
And someone wants to marry me,
But I can't do that either.
I'm only five years old.

But someone wants to rattle my cage
And tell the world my age 
And other things about me
That even I don't know.
Like a tiger in a terrible traveling show
With a cruel trainer.
Im scarred up, already,
With a notch on both my ears.

But I have no fear of you, strange human.
You, who have no regard or respect
For the Spirit of Bard,
That burns so deeply from my heart,
Branding every thing I touch

And if you come too near
Without reverential love
Shining from your mind and eyes,
I'll pounce on you,
And eat you for breakfast,
And spit out your bones
While you're still alive,
And marry what's left of you for supper,
Because I'm only five,
But that's what I've learned to do so far
From watching this awful traveling circus
Called The World go by,
With all of its cruel trainers.


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