Sunday, December 29, 2019

Too Young, Two Judgmental 

In a flash of his eyes I saw
His judgement of me.
I would become too fat for him.
Any children I bore who wore 
My resemblance in their DNA
Would be too short to quarterback
In the NFL, and while they might
Be bright enough to attend medical school, 
As he was,
They'd never have the chiseled chin,
But maybe just a double one
Like I would someday,

And so he never asked me for a date,
That neighbor I had in college,
And it was s good thing,
Because while he might have had foresight,
I had the knowledge of 'now,'
And knew that leopards never change their spots,
And most people who are assholes when they're young,
Only become more ass-holish
Through and through as they age.

So I never asked him out either.


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