Sunday, September 30, 2018

Shall I compare you to a rose?
A rose is much too tame,
And you are wild as a bobcat
That fucks amidst the thickets and the thorns.

And I cannot tell which pricks come from your claws or teeth or briars,
But all of it is good.

So turn me now and anthropomorph,
And look me in the eye
While you purr.

And I will look you in the eye, too.


Friday, September 28, 2018

I have wondered where you are now,
And the cosmos answers me.
A flash in my mind reveals today
You are a litter of rabbits just born,
Hidden in the winter leaves,
And your spirit, innocent and new,
Sleeps curled up and warm and nurses
From the great and living mother.

And after this you may exist for only a second or two,
Maybe a day as a living sac of spider eggs.
And from there you may sprout 
As a mushroom in the forest,
That pops up from nowhere over night.

My hope is that you will thrive in every experience of life,
Though selfishly I pray,
That sometime when your time has come to live again,
That it will be my time to live again too,
And I will find you,
And live again with you.

My dreams show me the Reality
In terms I understand.
Great archetypal pictures
Say millennial thousand words.
Clarity emerges with the colors orange and green and blue,
And the love that always follows
Is the dynamic truth.
Everything else disappears 
In flames or floods or winds.
Everything else is illusion
Except the great charisma of Love.

I dreamed of you like a fox
That runs just ahead of the night.
Your coat was a red and orange flame
And lit your path across the dark sky.
You are fast and strong and smart
And beautiful,
And the stars are envious.
They can barely bare to look at you.
They stand aloof and cold from a long way off
And try not to compare themselves.

But one comet stares,
Head fully turned,
And dares you to turn, too.
It longs to crash into the earth
Alongside your lovely forest,
Just to see,
Just to know
How dazzling you really are
In person. 


Thursday, September 27, 2018

More and more I find my life to be a dream
That flows over a great paddle wheel.
It dips and splashes and gets caught up
And goes around the wheel again,
And part of it moves on,
And part of it stays in the great commotion.

And I am torn between what I perceive is me.
Is it the part that went in peace,
Flowing naturally down the stream?
Or is it the part where my heart seems to want to be,
Here in the turning, churning energy of the great wheel?

Maybe I'm still both,
Hovering in evaporation,
A great chiasm between
All the things I want to be
And all the things I am.


Monday, September 24, 2018

You can't find a way that works
And stick to that your whole life through.
The way that works will wander off 
And leave you far behind.
You will become disingenuous,
Your hairstyle dated.
The face you plaster on yourself
Will be an obvious fake.

The way that works will keep you guessing,
And thereby, will promote a youthful appearance,
One marked by innocent curiosity 
And love of discovery.

If you can flow with the way that works
Along the bends and turns of life,
Through places that are beautiful,
And through the places that you feel you shouldn't have to go,
Maybe one day the light will dawn
On the intense string of heartbeats, 
That living your exact journey has quite been,
Your precise attempt at living the way that works for you.


The Spider doesn't ask for help
Or ask consent or approval.
When the web is right to her, it's right.

The Spider doesn't join a team
Or hunt in a pack like a lion,
But self sufficiency is her only motto.

And after the ambush had taken place,
She sits back and has a cigarette,
Or maybe two, before she spins a silken egg sac
Where she will lay her eggs,

And spin and spin until another web appears,
Then retract back in the dark recesses
That the world provides
For her to think
And write her poetry.

I am there in the room
With a bird's eye view
Of eighteen monks
Sitting round a square table.
They laugh and talk all at once
Like a gaggle of geese.
Occasionally a raucous one
Will slap his forearm 
Down in front of him,
And from there, round the table,
Random arms will flap,
As if a fly were buzzing endangered.

As I watch the motion circle the square,
And listen to the conversation turn,
A dark dot emerges on the roof,
And I climb out of the whole that it produces.
For I am not a fly on the wall,
But a spider on the great mandala ceiling.

And I am the one the monks rejected.
I am the one the world says no to,
But I am the one that spins the web for the fates.
I am the one who made the twins
And put them to singing at the poles
To keep the entire earth in its balanced way.

And I am the one who loves the people.
I am the one who saves them.
I am the spider woman,
And the keeper of the lore.

There's a nail in the sky that the moon hangs on,
And a place on it close to the wall,
Where two grooves are worn flat,
And you and I come to sit here.

The world is going round and round.
Everything is really.
And yet it's not.
But this is the place where you live now,
And you have told me that I can come and go freely.

And so I will.

But hold me tonight in the light of this weird moon.
It shines at such a different angle from here.
I know everything will be all right
When you tell me it will,
And I know everything always is
When I'm with you.

So thank you, weird moon,
For shining so weird,
And thank you, weird nail in the sky.
And thank you, weird wall,
Whatever you are that holds this nail up,
And the wires the weird moon hangs down from.

But most of all,
Thank you,

I Love You.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

I am there in the room
With a bird's eye view
Of eighteen monks
Sitting round a square table.
They laugh and talk all at once
Like a gaggle of geese.
Occasionally a raucous one
Will slap his forearm 
Down in front of him,
And round the table 
Random arms will flap,
As if a fly were buzzing endangered.

As I watch the motion circle the square,
And listen to the conversation turn,
A dark dot emerges on the roof,
And I climb out of the whole it produces.
For I am not a fly on the wall,
But a spider on the ceiling.

And I am the one the monks rejected.
I am the one the world says no to,
But I am the one that spins the web for the fates.
I am the one who made the twins
And put them to singing at the poles
To keep the entire earth in its balanced way.

And I am the one who loves the people.
I am the one who saves them.
I am the spider woman
And the keeper of the lore.


Friday, September 21, 2018

I meditate in the middle of a meditation.
I dream I'm sitting cross legged,
And I pretend to say ommmmmm.

It comes out more like, "uhhhhhhh."
And then I see your face again,
As sweeet as honey to the tongue,
As bright as the smile of many rainbows,
As dazzling as the sun that breaks through clouds of darkest rain.

And then I wake and realize
I'm contemplating again.

Sri will chide me.
He tries to teach me how to concentrate,
Then shift the gears of my mind to meditate.
He doesn't think I'll ever make it to contemplate,
But I'm already there,

Without knowing how.


I struggle to make myself one with the dust of the earth,
As Lao Tzu recommends
To be the primal virtue,
In perfect flow with the Tao,
And the mother of the ten thousand things.

But I fight the urge to giggle,
Until I can't fight it anymore,
And the small trickle of joy
Dissolves me into a heart of laughter.

Sometimes in my zone of effervescence,
A tiny doubt tries to take me
To a somber, more intelligent place.
But I have learned not to go there.
I've decided that maybe I was born this way,
And maybe I was born for this purpose,
And maybe here, in this silly land
Of flowers and sunshine,
I am queen and I reign with a loving scepter,
And crown all comers with a crown of many crowns,
And recognize them as dear lovers 
And fellow sovereigns.

If you want to tell others what to do
And have them do it,
Then tell them to do what they want,
And tell them to do the best they can,
Because this is what the whole world does.

And somewhere between the tied off ends of those two points,
The arrow fits onto the string,
And in the great release of it all,
Our lives fling out together
To hit or miss the marks we've spied.

And others may have eyed our results,
And judged us to have missed the mark, and sinned,
But at least we tried,
And it may be better to try and fail
In our own dharma,
Than to succeed in something we never wanted,
And be confused by the war inside our karma,
And never to know what could have made the difference.


Ask not for whom the Bell tolls,
And don't ask too many other questions either.
You might not want to know the answer.
But if you search your heart within,
You might find a resolution you can live with,
The one that says nothing ever really changes.
Nothing has ever changed and nothing ever will.

And if in finding this you find great peace,
You can release the questions
To the custody of the very answers
That you previously sought,
And go and make bail on any of the resolutions
You've ever had to "Know Thyself,"
And let yourself be you.

I was about to be passed over,
And it wasn't by the angel of death.
It was for a promotion I thought I deserved.
But there was this guy there,
And he wasn't doin so good,
And the mansger thought he'd give the promotion to him
To see if it would motivate him to
Do better.

I was already "doin better," the manager told me when I asked him about why I'd been left out.
I was already motivated 
And already doin a heckuva job.

And yet, company stats revealed that out of 35 locations,
All the 82 sales managers were men
Except for one,
And all of the 35 general managers
Were also male.
And since many, if not all, their so-called meetings
Were held at country clubs or stripper bars,
They planned to keep it just that way.

So I guess the angel of death did come
It killed my motivation to do better
And any desire I might have had
To make any more money 
For myself,
Or for them,


Good mothers take a vow of silence
And let their children speak.
When children can utter their dreams without interference,
Something magic happens,
And sometimes even the wildest dreams can come true.

Good mothers postpone judgment
For now and for forever,
So that their children feel unconditional support,
And so that their children know that they are loved 
By and through the highest source of love 
The universe can offer:
The cosmic alma mater of 
The lady of the closed mouth and the open mind.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

If we all walked neckid like chimpanzees,
We wouldn't worry bout hairy knees.
We would all stand and look and stare
At what everybody's got down there
And out behind.

And we would know by the blush-like glow,
Who was in heat, and who we should leave alone
For the time being,
Until, unbeknownst to them,
They come in heat too, and start looking for a hubcap
To steal or someone to screw,
But would we worry about their mind?

Or whether our verbs and subjects agree,
Or if we've used language inclusively,
Or if we've used language at all?
Or would we know all we need to know
To perpetuate our DNA,
To live now and maybe see another day
To nibble one another and rinds?


"Time" is just "T," without "I" and "me,"
And "minute" can be misconstrued,
As minute particles of some other package of light,
Traveling day and night like a sovereign citizen.

But "hours" could be "ours,"
If we could try
And drop the "H,"
But if we knew "Y,"
Then "hours" could be "yours,"
And Time could fly forever.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mighty nice Dipper you have there, Polaris.
His feet sit atop the fine clouds,
His head, way up
In the heart of some lucky galaxy
Where the moons are even called stars.
And look at him!
Pouring out
Milky Way Magic
And stardust
On lovestruck moths
Who flutter like punch drunk sailors
In oversized painting smocks.
And will they go all Fred Astaire
And dance in the pouring down rain?
And glitter like diamond cufflinks
At the sight of him again?
(god I hope so....)

But I am not jealous of you, Polaris,
And tho my feet are on the ground,
My head is way up
In the clouds,
And when I tiptoe,
I can reach
The tips of the Dipper's winsome feet,
And I can kiss them
With my mouth,
And worship til the north turns south
And both our cups have poured plum out,
And the Pleiades finally sigh.
Sometimes I want to live like this,
Without all the wrappers,
Without tin foil,
Walking through the forest with no pack on my back,
Grazing on the edible things,
Putting back a little,  dried on the stems,
To conserve through winter's darkened spell
And the months where food would be scarce.
Or maybe I could just hibernate,
And you could love me while I sleep,
And I could sleep, even through the pregnancy.
I'd wake bewildered at my swollen tel,
And enlivened, bring forth--
A new kind of heirloom seed.
When you go crazy
Can I come too?
For I melt a little
At the sight of you,
And if we could
get face to face,
I could get sucked in
To your warped space
And let the orbit begin.

But what with the spinning
And gamma rays,
I can't be held for what goes and what stays,
But maybe we could have some fun?
Maybe we’ll dance,
Maybe we’ll run,
Or maybe we’ll just lie on our backs in the sand
and look down
On the earth
And the sun?

The Apocalypse 

The hawks moved into our neighborhood,
And slowly, but surely, the squirrels disappeared.
Finally there were only two, and it was left up to them to repopulate the world.
They considered this the upside to the Apocalypse,
And got to work on it right away,
And now it's kind of got me thinking,
One could learn a lot from a squirrel.


If you look a long time at dog poop,
You might get dung in your eye,
But if you look a little longer,
And get a microscope,
You could  get a phd
And write a treatise
Regarding the entire inner mechanics
And digestive works of the canine.

Store up for yourselves great Love Abundances
During the spring and with Summer Hay,
So that when Winter turns with its scarcity
You can withdraw deposits from May
And breathe deep floral bouquets of tender
Loving words and smiles and care,
So when you close your eyes you'll see
That Love never dies, that Love is still There,
Always loving you.


Monday, September 17, 2018

I fight the urge of first response
To be angry and ugly.
A fire that burns across the short-grass plains of my own discontent
Is slowly snuffed by a gentle rain
Of a greater hidden quiet urge
To be beautiful and big
And happy.

And eventually even this black moment 
Will disappear in the lively green of new growth
And understanding 
But I will ever be thankful for it.

Now I'm gonna show my age.
My favorite cassette tape to play in my car
Was one I recorded on my little gravadora cassette-recorder radio.
A disco show every Friday night
From 98.3 outta San Antonio!
Hot chocolate to the soul!
Makin your drive home worth it!
Makin you wanna go out after and work it
To the tune of you should be dancin!
You dropped the bomb on me, baby!
And George benson's give me the night!
Makin everything outta sight
All right!
And good enough!
Makin it all to the tune
Of love!

And while I'm sittin here waiting for 3 2 1,
So I can skip this ad on YouTube
To hear a little rhythm and blues,
I'm thinkin I sure wish I still had that old cassette recording
And something ta play it on,
Because even it's ads we're good.

It's a beautiful night,
And the velvet of it is reflected
From somewhere deep in the black of your eyes.
The window is open
And the night has crawled in.
It curls up on your pillow,
But it wants to yawn,
And in a minute it will.
It will stretch out to take over the bed
About the time I ease down over you
And let my nipple drop into your open mouth.
