Friday, September 16, 2022

 Autumn Chew

There’s something about the morning air in autumn

That you can slice

Like a piece of pie

And eat it without a care in the world.

It’s rich with the smells 

That night has made.

The dew on the leaves that have fallen,

A skunk has mildly trotted through.

Someone’s brewing coffee.

A faint hint of cigarette, 

Someone’s walking with sweet almond lotion


All over themselves,

And it’s warming, as they do,

On their morning walk.

And now the sky is turning autumn blue,

And morning has fully broken,

And it gives way to something new,

But something that can’t be sliced like pie,

Something that must be consumed 

Some other way.

We consider what that may be

While we silently chew

Our toast and jelly,

And call it Day.


Friday, September 9, 2022

 Wednesday’s Child

Wednesday starts earlier than Tuesday.

Everyone’s in a hurry to get

To the hustle,the bustle, the rage.

Time is relative, no?

And anyone who says it isn’t,

Has never stood 

At the corner of Frank and Blank Street 

On Wednesday morning at 7:13.

Some people call Wednesday hump day,

And I don’t know why.

Maybe they hump it and hack it through,

But I don’t want to go to Wednesday.

Tell me, again, Mother, why do I have to?

“Because it’s a schoolday,

And everyone knows 

That everyone has to go

To screwel on a screwelday,

Especially if it falls on a Wednesday”

Maybe this is why they say,

“Wednesday’s child is full of woe.”

They do still say that somewhere, don’t they?

But surely they won’t teach you that in school anymore,

It’s too honest.

It’s too true, and factual.


Saturday, September 3, 2022

 I’m walking the tightrope,

Swinging the trapeze,

And it’s all so beautiful!

Such a breeze to be so high in the air! 

But then I have a worry,

Then I have a doubt.

Could someone put up the safety net?

I’m walking the tightrope!

Swinging the trapeze!

And it’s all so beautiful!

But then I doubt the safety net.

Could someone go and check it please?
