Sunday, December 29, 2019

Too Young, Two Judgmental 

In a flash of his eyes I saw
His judgement of me.
I would become too fat for him.
Any children I bore who wore 
My resemblance in their DNA
Would be too short to quarterback
In the NFL, and while they might
Be bright enough to attend medical school, 
As he was,
They'd never have the chiseled chin,
But maybe just a double one
Like I would someday,

And so he never asked me for a date,
That neighbor I had in college,
And it was s good thing,
Because while he might have had foresight,
I had the knowledge of 'now,'
And knew that leopards never change their spots,
And most people who are assholes when they're young,
Only become more ass-holish
Through and through as they age.

So I never asked him out either.

I fall apart at the schemes.
The snares I laid have snared me,
The scandalous bait, the family traits,
The human flaws.

The jaws of life come for me
In dreams, to set me free from traffic jams
And moving violations.
I walk back home while sirens scream
And alarm bells ring for me to wake.

I dig up yams in my back yard garden
And roast them in a fire,
And eat them til I'm satisfied.
I feel at peace and so
I go inside and fetch the bird out of his cage
And bring him out
And set him free as well.

Time will tell,
And no one knows how the stories will go,
But they may never end well,
And then again, they may never end.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

All the seasons merge today
Summer winter spring and fall
Dead leaves blow but new green shoots are sprouting
The winter wind is cold
But I'm sweating in the sun
The sky is blue
Some trees are bare
But the liveoaks and the evergreens
Share their verdant spray with the day
With me, they seem to be saying
Follow me and I will show you the Way to everlasting life
Study me and know 

My roots go deep below
My trunk is strong
My branches pray
My leaves know how to stay ever-perennial
And I share my love and life and shade quietly with anyone
Who will take the time to stare up at the sky with me
In wonder and in awe 

I stare up through its green leaves
There seems to me to be no season
No time, no reason, and not even any curvature of space
Just a beautiful day for members of the human race

To love each other


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

If we squeeze up together just right
We could lie under the Christmas Tree tonight
Make love to one another til dawn
Yawn and then say Merry Christmas 
And it truly will be
Me lovin you
You loving me

It's Christmas Eve 
I've got hard rock 
Funkadelic hardcore jollies blaring in the kitchen
The trash truck just went by
But tonight you and I will squeeze up tight
Between presents that aren't ours
And spend the hours
Waiting for the clatter
It might just be the Christmas tree
Falling over and us
Getting tangled in the tinsel and garland
Me lovin you
You lovin me
Not a dream of sugar plum fairies
Just the way it oughta be
Me lovin you

You lovin me

Monday, December 23, 2019

The new year arrives in a diaper,
But she looks about 40 years old.
Her lips are red and her fingertips
Are sharpened.
She's smoking a cold-hearted cigarette
And sits down in my favorite chair.
She crosses her long legs,
Exhales smelly smoke into my face
And asks, "What now?"

I'm trying to pick up the place
In the light of this unexpected company.
"You knew I was coming!" she chides.
"Well I wasn't exactly expecting you,"  I tell her.
"I thought I had the place baby proofed,
But I'm not sure what to hide from you,
Or where I can put it that's safe."

I become aware of a quiet knocking 
At my door.
Truth is there, trying to tell me something.
"I'm doing fine," I tell her.
And slam the door in her face.
"And I don't want any!"
But I'm a notorious liar
When it comes to my welfare 
And/or lack thereof.

I leave Truth there, still knocking,
To deal with Baby, the baby new year.
Now I'm even more distracted.
I want to scream at everyone 
To leave me alone,
In my fate, in my misery,
In my happiness, in my peace,
In my everyday walking around 
Talking to myself attempt at surviving.

But Truth is still knocking at the front door.
Maybe I'll slip out the back,
Walk down the street,
Have a glass of tea,
See my reflection in the panes
Of the store front windows
All decorated for Christmas,
And then I can pretend again
That everything is fine with me,
That there is a Santa, there is a god,
A future brighter than either Truth
Or Baby, the baby new year proposes,
That I can close my eyes
And no one can see me.

But when I woke this morning,
The only thing I wanted was an apple and some chocolates,
And to sleep, til the sun returns in spring.


I find myself on a dead end street,
A fancy one, but dead end nonetheless.
I soothe myself by looking at the picturesque ways
The rich folks have chosen to decorate 
Their private landscapes.

I've come to the end at a circle drive.
A big wooden snowman says hi to me
With one hand raised.
He's painted white with a painted carrot nose.
I make the circle and continue around.
It seems in most of my dreams,
That at the end of a road like this,
Suddenly the scene unfolds and allows me
To go into some surreal change of scenery.
This painted snowman has me stumped today.
He has a creepy smile upon his face.

Maybe I'm not dreaming today,
And I'll have to really find my way 
Without the aid of my subconscious mind,
Or maybe, quite subconsciously,
My mind has taken the wheel from me.
I check the rear view mirror and now
The painted snowman waves goodbye.

And I know I'll never see him again,
But the car keeps going. Where?
I hope I never see him again.
I hope I won't. I hope I won't.
I hope I never see him again.
I won't come down this way again.
I hope I don't. I hope I don't.


The skies that he painted 
Were more beautiful 
Than the skies that I saw out my window.
His clouds were cloudier.
His gulls, that soared o'er the sea
In his paintings,
Were much gull-ier than these
Which fly over me today
Here in Tuscany.

Maybe in Corsica the skies are blue.
Maybe, tho their exports included
Rebellious slaves and cheap wine,
But their imports are exiled poets and kings,
Painters, sons of Charlemagne,
Who rejected Christianity.
All sent to certain madness,
Where the wind and ancient siren songs
Lullaby them into a sleep where their dreams
Are even dreamier, and distilled their tears into art.

And now I cry.
And I see the sky
Is bluer than I thought,
And this one gull
Is gull-ier,
And his sigh bids me fly with him,
Or at least to fall 
Through the blue of the sky with him,
And land on the rocks of Corsica.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

When Christmas cheer gets high
I dangle low on the Christmas tree
So the cats can see me
Maybe they will play with me
Because I'm shiny
And maybe they will carry me away
Like a mouse they've killed
And present me to the owner of this stead 

Then at least I'll know who is in charge
And I'll know who to ask
In case I want two birthdays next year
Or something else that seems impossible 
The space and time to be myself
Without having to apologize or explain anything 


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Someone wants to do my makeup.
Someone wants to do my hair.
Someone wants to do me,
Right here, in an armchair at the dentist's office.

I'm going to go home and clean my own teeth.
I've been trained, I know how.
I can follow proper procedure
When it comes to my oral care.
And if my hair's a mess,
The wind will fix it,
And the sun will make me sweat,
And my face will be better because of it,
And my love life?  Is no one's business, anyhow.

"Mommy, is Jesus' last name Christ?"

Mommy has a Phd in linguistics
And wants to say
That Christ is an anglicized version 
Of the Greek word Xristos,
Which was borrowed from the Egyptians
Who had gotten it from Sumeria,
And that the Ancient Hindu word Krishna
Carries the same name
And the very same meaning!
Mommy longs to explain the phrases:
Doxology, logos, hoc est meus corpus,
Anointed one!
She longs to impart
Something gloriously divine!

But should Mommy just say,,
"Yes, Dear, Christ is Jesus' last name,"
Or should Mommy tell her child
That the Life that he, himself, carries on the inside,
Even as a child, (especially as a child!)
Is brighter, too, than a thousand suns,
And that the kingdom of kindness and insight
Dwelling within everyone who lives and loves,
Is the very anointed kingdom of god 
In any language, in any time
That Life and Love and Peace and Joy are let to reign.

Mommy just smiles, and stops what she's doing
To give her child a big hug 
And says, "i don't know, Love,
What do you think?"


Friday, December 20, 2019

I can prepare myself for boredom.
I've faced countless hours
In a boardroom listening to people pretend
That all of us are in on deciding
What will be done,
Just to have the one in charge do what they planned to all along.
There's no hope or love or charity there,
No imagination, no collaboration.

But I'm confronted with crazy
At the gas station.
My heart breaks,
And my soul aches
For the woman by the door
Talking to herself
About nothing more and nothing less
Than what she'll have for breakfast
Tomorrow morning.

She has great faith that she'll make it through the night.
She is imagining it.
She's collaborating with everyone in sight
To aim for something
And not err.
Would I miss the mark and sin
If I gave the woman a dollar,
Or if I didn't?
Either way, I have no power to save her body
Or her soul, or that of the control freak CEO
I've been cursing about all day.
But I guess,at least, I won't have to wonder 
If I should have given him my spare change.


If I could dress a little more
Maybe you could understand 
How foreign this world of yours
Truly is to me.

But I can't go out to Walmart and buy 
The native dresses I would choose,
And it would be so hard for me
To shoot a deer,
And I've lost the knowledge
My ancestors had
Of how to tan and soften the hide
And stitch it up to fit me right.

I've lost the knowledge of how to live and die.

I have one dress that my great grandmother wore.
It fit her through many stages of life,
And it seems to fit me now.
I only saw her once without it.
She took it off and folded it and laid it on the end of her bed.
She walked outside naked into the front yard and sat underneath an old oak tree.
She said she would die there.
She told us all goodbye.
She had been diagnosed with cancer.
And the next day she was dead.

I save this dress for a rainy day.
Or maybe when they tell me 
I'm going to die,
I'll put on and go outside,
And find that oak tree
And pray I find the happy hunting/ dancing grounds
Of my great grandmother.

In the winter I say,
"Let's run away somewhere warm!"
And in summer I'm told,
"Let's get away where it's cold!"
Life is long.
Life is short.
So many
Missions to
On the way to
So many dreams to dissipate,
While I wait on the dryer to load,
But one thing is always constant:
The voice in my head
Saying, "You are my Poet!"
The vision in my mind
Telling me, "It's okay to be
Where you are til you get here,
Where everything will be fine,
And this gorgeous red velvet dress
Will fit you just right,
And the night will be yours
And even the day,
And no one can say
You didn't pay your dues.
No one, will say a word
Except wow!
Keep planting seeds!
Keep planting seeds!
Keep planting seeds!
Let them all grow!"


When I dream you're busy thinking of 
Who you can send invitations to,
And my sky clouds and my sun burns down to rain,
My green eyes flash with envy,
Until I see,
You've invited me personally with your smile.

Yes, with your mouth,
The one you eat with,
The one where words have formed 
To say, "I love you,"
The one whose kiss has swallowed me,
You've invited me personally 
With that mouth.

So yes, I guess I'll come,
If I can quit pouting long enough,
And remind myself, it's ok to be me.
I'm jealous, and this is just one of 
The many things you love about me.

A borrowed maternity dress is her wedding gown,
Two children already in tow.
She's walking through town.
He stood her up at the justice of the peace.
She's trying to call her niece to babysit.
Now, so she can find him,
But she had in mind a one hour honeymoon.

But she can smile for it's still too early
To tell such things, and she's not one to look a gift ring
Up the finger, but she's a dead ringer
For his last ex-wife, and he's not 
Going down that road again,
Even if the baby is his.

I said, even if the baby is his.
She can still smile 'cause
She thinks it's too early
To tell such things,
But it ain't.
It's late.
It's much too late again.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

I prayed for a woman I'd never met
And begged for her to get better.
She was in a coma
And the doctors said
She would never recover.
She was the mother of a friend of mine,
And my friend kept after me to pray,
And I did, I asked the universe 
If my friend's mother could live.
Night and day I prayed,
For three weeks,
While the woman lay in a coma.

And finally one day my friend called me
In tears of joy.
Her mother had awakened.
Her body had healed up enough that
The doctors marveled and planned to release her from the hospital.

And when she came back to our small town,
She went in to stay for a few more days
At a rehab facility,
And my friend took me to see her.
My friend stopped at the nurses station,
And I kept walking down the hall,
And when I got in to the dining room,
A heard a woman call my name.
I turned and she told me 
She was the one I had prayed for.

"But how did you know it was me?" I asked,
For I had never met her.
"I saw you praying for me
When I was in the coma," she said.
"I recognize you by your prayers.
Yours go up like bubbles into the air
And pop into butterflies,
And continue up into the sky
Until they reach their destination.
Prayers matter," she said,
"And I thank you so much
For being able to love and pray
For me."

I see the star.
I see the sky in my mind,
And I can make wishes anytime,
And they can come true.
But will it take you being in a coma to see
My prayers, my love, for you,
Going up, like bubbles, into the sky,
And popping into a butterflies In the second stage,
So they can make it all the way to heaven?
