Wednesday, December 11, 2019

I, too, have dreams of Paris.
If Debussy plays,
Then Van Gogh paints,
And I am playing like a child in the river,
Throwing my pebbles and watching the minnows swim by.

The delicious colors and sounds
Shine in my
Mind like the minnows.
They flourish and dance just beneath the watery sheen.
I twirl as a pawn in the great choreography,
And when the minnows are gone
I cry 
Like a child.
For I am a child in the Great Choreography,
Yet from my eyes flows a silvery sheen,
That other minnows will come to swim in,
And great painters will dwell in my eyes,
And musicians emerge
From the kisses I blow,
And fly like butterflies 
To come and play with me 
Down by the river in Paris.


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