Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Word Detox

Crash! Shake! Fall on the wagon!
Cold turkey detox by forced withdrawal
From all the echoes of primal profanity.
Silence stuns, and packs the vacuum,
Pushes airishly through.
Redeemed from the curse,
But not forgotten,
The contaminated mingle of
Malediction and no-no’s,
Untangled infancy complicated,
Exploitation of natural trust.
And 40 years in the desert, tempted,
The blinding blaze of direct light,
The funk of detraction and medicinal sweat,
Starvation, deprivation to kill the damning—
And finally it comes to this.
It will take 1000 affirmations
Spoken aloud over each imprecation
To eradicate them
And absolve my memory?
-jenn long

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