Friday, July 5, 2013

Nature's Citation

Nature left me a parking citation—

A freshly dropped poplar leaf

Tucked neatly under my washer wiper

For all the world to see.

Embarrassed, I hurried to tuck it close

To my breast as I got in my car.

I closed the door and sat to see

What errors I had committed.


My entire life passed before my eyes

As I read the Coptic script—

Years of wasted resources,

Thousands of plastic wrappers,

Seminal emissions spewed on hard

And unworked fields,

And other crimes unlisted.


But at the cellular level, I viewed

A vibration of complete forgiveness,

The power of chemical neurotransmissions

That I could only comprehend as a Gnostic,

And the jury’s song beamed faithfully

Like a Hallelujah Chorus

As I smelled the greenness of its life

And pressed the leaf between the pages

Of My Book.

-jenn long

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