Monday, December 9, 2013

Serious Love

Take my hand
In a strong way,
Like a stiff drink,
Or a potent mint.
Pull me to the place
Where you exist essentially.

For I am in need
Of serious love.
Please, don’t be afraid of me,
For I have no power to harm.
But you, possess yourself.
Possess me, too.
Hold me in the deep recesses
Of your mind.
Let me live in the chambers of your heart
And pulse a fair tonicity
Through your very veins.

Let me find you
Beyond the tips of your fingers.
Let me see who is there,
Up, over your shoulder blades,
Between your ribs,
And deep within the caduceus
Of your breastbone.

Take my hand,
And put it gently o’er your face.
Let these blind eyes
Have a look at who it is
That lurks, so sweetly, and dark,
In my shadow as I dance.

-jenn long

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