Friday, June 27, 2014

Why I Like Older Men

At granny's house, gramp had himself a room,
And it was safe in there
To take your pop,
And put your feet up on the table.
He had a big picture in there
Of Will Rogers hanging on the wall.
He had his own bathroom
And his own door that went outside
To the back yard,
Which was also his domain.

He would set up the croquet,
And we would choose from the colored mallets,
And whack the balls of those same colors
Through the wickets and into the woods.

Gramps eyes always shined with love.
He always had Time to spend with you.
He was never in a hurry to get away.
You were the most important thing.
And over a NeHi grape soda,
And a bear hug,
He'd let you know it.

-jenn long

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