Wednesday, September 16, 2015

So they showed a nice, wholesome movie At church, a good, old-fashioned Wizard of Oz. And when it was done, The children's minister smiled Sweetly, like Glenda, And said, "Well, what did anyone get out of the movie?" Which one should never ask, Especially in the case of children, For one lad in the back spoke up, "There is no God." "Well," he continued, in answer to the gasps of the faithful, "If witches can die, And monkeys can fly And the great all-knowing, all-doing wizard Turns out to be an old man who needs glasses, Who hides behind a curtain Pressing buttons and pulling ropes, Then yes, I'd say the message of this movie is, "There is no God." Next week they're digging a little deeper in the well. The bulletin says they'll be showing a Three Stooges marathon (With no questions at the end.) -jenn

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