Saturday, June 25, 2016

The sunlight stretched a hammock out
Between the trees for me,
And smiled, and bade me welcome,
Invited me to rest where the strings of light danced
And played with the shadows of the leaves.
I lay there staring up into the canopy of the forest
Until I felt alone.
I looked around and realized
The sun and the shadows were gone.

I rose up in the twilight
And wondered if I should go,
When a lovely silhouette  turned toward me,
And smiled and told me, "No,
It's only about now going to get very good."

Night birds charmed me with their songs.
I began to sway.
The evening star came out for a chorus.
The silhouette danced with me
Until the moon appeared.

And then the moon and I made love
All night while new shadows fluttered
Gently across our silver skin
Until we sighed and shuddered.

And into this mystical night I sailed
Off into a drink-me sleep,
For I had melted into a tonic,
Such as sailors keep for emergencies,
Only for life or death situations.

And now someone has collected me
From the petals of the morning dew,
And corked me up inside this bottle,
And I am waiting for you
To realize how you require me,
How life or death it is
For you to uncork me,
And swallow all my contents.


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