Monday, March 6, 2017

My doctor comes and sits on the side of my bed.
He doesn't chide me with words such as,
"Physician, heal thyself."
He pulls his knees up
And curls his forearms in,
And like a sphinx,
He stares at me and squints.

And he purrs.

The sweet sound of a happy purr!
The buzz that penetrates my eyes, as well as ears, into my brain,
Untangles knots of thoughts that don't belong,
And massages the sore muscles
Of my conscious mind.
The matter relaxes just a little bit,
Enough to release my guilt and worried dread,
And I am free to love and live again.

I pay him, smiling,
By scratching his chin
And in between his pointed ears
On top of his furry head.


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