Thursday, June 14, 2012

I Drop A Line

I drop a line
With bated breath.
This kind of fishing
Scares me to death.
I never know
What you’ll say.

Most folk have
Their shtick and spiel,
But you come downtown
From way left field.
Then you make
Me pay.

Oh, you never require a dime
As you pummel me softly
And beat my time,
But the squeeze is
Ever so tight.

Your mafia presence
Is felt in the flurry
Of delicious threats.
You leave in a hurry,
And it is only right

That I should hand over
My allowance, milk money,
Lunch ticket, lucky quarter,
And call you “Honey”
All the way back
To my bank,

Where I gladly
Pull up to the ATM
And empty my savings
All out again,
And have you
So to thank.

Cheek in hand
Elbowed, I stare,
Gazing at you
Chirping there,
Swallowing it all
From top to bottom.

Then in a whirlwind
Flash you’re gone.
Hangover empty,
I sit withdrawn,
But, boy, the cojones!
You’ve got ‘em!

-jenn long

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