Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nightmare @ Noon

Terrified of the natives here,
They seem to want to eat me.
See them crouch around me, crowding me,
Poking me with their prods?
They don’t laugh at my jokes here,
Or understand my humor.
They don’t want to translate my lingo,
Just sacrifice me to their gods.

I cooked a brilliant pot roast,
And no one bothered to eat it.
I forgot to put it in cold lock
And will have to throw it away
Ruined. Another dream of mine begun,
And I made it as far as the prison fence.
Might’ve escaped, if I’d had the strength
To climb the thing today.

Lost my children, for decades.
Found them on the way to the swimming pool,
In the charge of a fickle goddess
Who turns man-eater at a drop
Of liquid. They jump in!
I’m chasing, ever chasing them!
Trying, ever trying to prevent
Things one can never stop.

-jenn long

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